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Hobbies & Science : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How to Make Potassium Iodide
Potassium iodide (KI) is a very difficult element to make since iodine is rarely found in nature. It is mostly used to treat thyroid conditions, prevent thyroid damage and protect the thyroid gland from a radiation injury. It is normally supplied in pill form, but can also be purchased at a chemica
Alternative Green Energy Sources
With theories such as global warming gaining more support and evidence, more and more citizens and governments are looking for alternative ways to generate energy that are more environmentally friendly and renewable. Although some of these technologies are relatively new and expensive, they all offe
The Top Five US Floods
When water rises quickly and unexpectedly, it can have devastating effects. Flooding is caused by accumulating water in a certain area in a short amount of time. It is the costliest type of natural disaster in the United States in terms of loss of life and property damage. Most people die in floods
DIY: Knife Sharpener Guide
We live in a use-and-dispose society, but when you own a good quality knife it can last for years and years. It's essential to keep the knife blade sharp to maintain its effectiveness. The process of sharpening your knife is a simple one, but it is worth getting it right. This will really make a di
How to Store Cutting Tools
All tools require protection and proper storage to prolong their usefulness. Cutting tools, which depend on sharp edges and moving parts, require extra care so as not to damage or dull the cutting edge. Many types of cutting tools, such as jigsaw blades, are sold with a carrying case or vinyl cover
Difference Between Honing & Sharpening
Sharpening generally refers to the process of putting a sharp edge on an object. Honing, on the other hand, refers to making an existing sharp edge more keen. Honing is therefore an action that is performed after the object is sharpened, and uses slightly different tools than does sharpening.
The Top Ten Greatest Discoveries in 2007
A range of discoveries were made across a variety of fields in 2007. Archeologists found the world's most intact dinosaur remains and a 1.44-million-year-old jawbone that questioned previous beliefs on the evolution of man. Scientists made major breakthroughs in curing Rett syndrome and creating a h
How to Calculate Drilling Rate of Penetration
The rate of penetration is calculated by well drillers, especially in the oil and gas industry, to describe the rate at which the well deepens as drilling moves forward. Depending on the measurement system used in the country where the well is drilled, the rate of penetration, or ROP, is typically s
How to Sand a Clear Coat Without Sanding the Paint
Sanding clear-coat finishes such as polyurethane or lacquer requires care to avoid ruining the overall finish. Using the correct type of sanding media and technique will help you to achieve an ideal finish on your woodworking project. Even the finest-grit sandpaper can rub through a clear finish wit
Ion Exchange Resin Types
Ion exchange resins form much of the basic methods of waste water clean-up.WATER TREATMENT image by BILLY WELLBORN from Fotolia.comIon exchange technology is widely used by industrial companies and governmental agencies to clean up waste water. The same technology and techniques are used...
How Can I Tell If a Fractional Currency Is Fake?
Five issues of fractional currency notes were put into circulation by the U.S. government between 1862 and 1876. According to, fractional currency notes were devised by U.S. Treasurer F.E. Spinner to address shortages of coins due to hoarding. Fractional currency collectors must ensure
How to Calculate TCP Data Length
There are several factors and variables to watch when you monitor a server, whether it is for an office or for international downloads. One important number you must keep on hand, particularly for servers that host files, is the transmission control protocol (TCP) data length. TCP data length, which
How to Make a Solar Powered Motor
Many people are searching for renewable sources of energy. Using alternative energy is good for the environment and can also reduce your dependence on public utility companies, who often charge excessive rates for the delivery of dirty electricity. One of the best sources of renewable energy is the
How to Build a Bookcase With Half-Wall Pillars
Make use of the space between the half-wall pillars above your half wall with the addition of a bookcase. You can still keep the space feeling open and airy while creating extra space for organization and storage of your books. Using shelf support pins to hold the shelves between the pillars will ke
Western Craft Ideas for VBS for Teenagers
Vacation Bible School crafts can be fun and relevant to the topic at hand. Teenagers can be kept engaged if they are creating crafts that are up to their level and that are something they can use in their daily lives. Western crafts are full of possibilities for teens, too.
How to Make a Carousel Wood Model
A model carousel is a creative expression of your passion for carnivals. In modern times, carousels are well known staples at carnivals and theme parks. A wooden craft carousel makes for an ideal bedside table display or school art project. If you follow a few simple steps, it's easy to make your ow
How to Make a Glock
Making a Glock pistol requires you to gather together all of the parts for the particular model you're trying to construct and putting them together. Glock parts are standardized among models, which makes it possible for you to purchase all the parts separately. The only part that is technically con
How to Convert Pal Playstation Into Ntsc Format
The Sony Playstation (PSX) is a video game console that is considered one of the most successful in history. The Playstation is a disk-based game system, and because it was released in multiple countries there are a few different versions. The American version uses the NTSC format while the European
Qualitative Analysis for Online Programs
Analyzing online programsadress bar image by Wiktor Osiecki from Fotolia.comQualitative analysis concerns the content of a subject and has subjective and ethical components. This should be distinguished from quantitative analysis, which deals generally with numbers and statistics. In...
How to Determine a Chromatic Number From a Polynomial
A chromatic number is used in graph theory to show the number of colors needed to color in the vertices of a graph, i.e., the points of intersection, without any adjacent vertices having the same color. For example, a triangle would have a chromatic number of three, but a square would have a chromat