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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Best Quality Dog Foods - What Do You Need to Know
Are you still searching for the best quality dog foods for your precious pup? Still trying to figure out how to read that dog food label? Find simple answers together with your furry friend.
Dog Training - Using Toilet Water To Stop Bad Behavior
Woke up around 5:00AM the other day and heard a very interesting story on the radio. A junior high school principal was having a difficult time with the girls in her school. Every day, the girls in school would go into the bathroom, put on lipstick and then kiss the mirror leaving lip prints behind
Holistic Treatments for Kidney Disease in a Canine
Deteriorating of the kidneys is something that happens normally in all dogs as they get older. Elderly canines can die from kidney disease and kidney failure. Their death can be postponed if the symptoms are caught early and treatment is started immediately. According to "Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Gui
Service Dog Training Requirements
A service dog is a special dog. Service dogs must have extremely good temperaments and be adaptable to all sorts of different environments. Training requirements differ, depending on the services each dog is required to perform.
Dog Barking Behavior - 3 Top Tips to Stop Dog Barking
Excessive dog barking is one of the most frequent complaints of dog owners.You have several possible solutions to stop the noise.You can buy several devices to help, but the best way to stop the noise may surprise you.
Dog Training - How to Stop Your Dog From Jumping Up
A dog jumping up on you or worse your friends cannot only be annoying but also awkward and embarrassing, not least dangerous in certain circumstances. This article provides guidance and tips on how to train your dog not to jump up.
How to Train Your Dog and Teach Good Behavior
Dogs are pack animals, meaning they are inherently obedient and willing to follow commands. However, that doesn't mean they always will, nor does it mean they'll naturally understand you. Teaching a dog commands, good behavior and general obedience is a long process that requires a lot of
Gain Control Over The Aggressive Behavior In Dogs
Aggressive behavior in dogs occurs for many reasons. The earlier the aggression is dealt with, the better off for you and your dog. After all, prolonged aggression can quickly get out of control and become violent if not handled in the proper manner.
How to Let Your Dog Know You Love Them
Your dog, often forgotten in the shuffle of everyday life, cries out for your affection. The experts seem to be split on whether dogs can actually love in a sophisticated way. But whether you call it love or survival instincts, he acts so loyal and accepting -- and you're holding all the treats and
Choosing the Best Dog Treats
When you own a dig you will want to show how much you love it and giving them treats is a great way to show this. Dog treats are ideal for training and reward purposes and can be bought easily from many different pet stores. You need to consider the type of treats you want to buy and how healthy the
Boxer Dog Is Digging Holes & Chewing Up a Weight Bench
Boxer dogs are fun to have around, but sooner or later you will come home to a mess if you are not careful. All dogs are prone to chewing on anything they can find, especially if they have a lot of pent-up energy or distress. A weight bench is as good a target as any for a rambunctious boxer to lay
House Training a Puppy With Diarrhea
House training a puppy who has diarrhea or irregular bowel movements can be a little challenging. There may be a few reasons your puppy has loose stools. First, make sure your puppy is not eating something he shouldn't be. Puppies like to explore...
How to Feed Dog Food For Small Dogs
While every dog is different and they all seem to have the same system, small dogs require feeding a bit different when you feed dog food. First of all, small dogs are predisposed to teeth problems, they may also require more frequent feeding, and of course, need high quality food.
Do-It-Yourself Dog Washes
If the thought of dog fur in the bathtub and wet dog odor in your home makes you cringe, then a do-it-yourself dog wash may be a great option to get your pet clean. For $10 to $30, many laundromats, pet retail stores or grooming salons will allow customers to use their tubs, dryers and even shampoos
Steroid Alternatives for Dogs
There are natural steroid alternatives for dogs to relieve allergy symptoms and reduce image by Michal Tudek from Fotolia.comSteroids fall into two categories: anabolic and anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory steroids are the most common type of steroid given to dogs for...
Training Your Dog - What You Must Understand If You Are To Train Your Dog
To make training your dog a much easier and a more pleasant task for both yourself and your dog there are things that you need to understand before you start the training. The first and most important thing that you must establish when training your dog, is that you are the boss. Dogs by their very
Vitamin E for Dogs - The Benefits of Vitamin E for Dogs
Vitamin E is just as important for a dog as it is for a human. A lack of the vitamin can cause health issues and an immune deficiency. This article looks at the importance of Vitamin E in a dogs diet.
Salmonella in Dogs
Salmonella enteritidis is a bacterium that is transmitted through food products. Salmonellosis, the gastrointestinal infection caused by the bacterium, is treatable in dogs if diagnosed early.
Dog Barking Ultrasonic Solutions To All That Dog Racket
Dog barking ultrasonic devices can help you train your dog.Uncontrolled barking bothers everyone except the dog generating the racket.Learn to understand the causes of the barking and the tools to use to help in training and you can enjoy some peace and quiet.