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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Training a Puppy for Newbies
Training a puppy is both an easy and a hard undertaking; this is because they literally have no training. The puppy you inherit or purchase will basically be a blank slate, it has no learned behaviours and is basically waiting to be trained. This means that you can train the dog to display exactly t
7 Reasons Why There May Be Blood in Your Dog's Urine and What You Should Do About It
Blood in dog urine is a common problem. It is usually caused by one of 7 reasons provided in this article. Solutions include diet and possibly homeopathic remedies.
Housebreaking Dogs - 1 Simple Trick You Can Do to Housebreak Your Dog
Housebreaking dogs can be a chore I understand that, however, once you know a very simple trick, you will have wondered why you didn't see it before. There are many simple and easy tricks you can follow, however, this one is so simple, you will have wondered why you didn't think of it befo
Reading the Label Can Prevent Dangerous Dog Food From Going Into Our Pet's Bowl
Simply reading the ingredient list on the dog food package could keep dangerous dog food out of Fido's bowl. Learn what the order of ingredients mean for what's in the food.
Why Are Antibiotics Not Working for Green Discharge From My Dog's Penis?
A green discharge from a dog's penis is often due to an infection known as balanoposthitis. If this is the case, your veterinarian may have prescribed a course of antibiotics with clear instructions on how and for how long to administer them. At times, however, the antibiotics may not yield the resu
Itchy Dog - Benefits of Natural Treatment
It's late at night and your dog has suddenly started mutilating itself from an allergy flare. Wouldn't it be nice if you knew what you could do? The vet is closed. You are concerned about your dog but you don't think it is serious enough for an expensive call out.
Dry Skin In Dogs Can Have Serious Implications
Dry skin in dogs can be very serious. It is often the first symptom of "the allergy march" and may represent the problems to come.
How to Get Really Bad Mats Out of a Dog
The last thing pet owners wants to do is shave their dog bald when they get a really bad mat in their fur. Mats should be removed as soon as they are noticed before they become so large that cutting the hair or shaving is the only option left. Removing the mat is a straightforward process that can b
These Tips Will Cure Aggression in Your Yorkie Puppy
We all know that Yorkshire Terrier puppies have a bad rep of being "yippy, snippy little dogs". We all know that one can ruin the whole bunch and if your Yorkie puppy is one of those bad ones, here are some tips to prove everyone wrong!
How to Become a Service Dog Trainer in Irvine, California
Service dogs are used in a variety of fields. They can be used for therapy, as police dogs, search and rescue dogs and even companion animals for individuals with disabilities. Service dog trainers work with various breeds of dogs over an extended period of time to teach them how to assist in specia
Pros and Cons of Buying a Puppy
Taking on a new puppy is an exciting adventure. Sadly, for many reasons this can often lead to heartache as people have not thought through everything that this entails, or people have been unfortunate enough to come across irresponsible breeders or puppy farms and unwittingly purchased an unhealthy
Dachshund - The Facts Every Owner of this Dog Breed Should Know
Learn the facts on maintaining good health, grooming needs, living conditions and more when it comes to the Dachshund
How To Exercise Your Dog In Winter
It's cold and snowy but there's no reason to miss out on giving your dog his daily exercise. Learn how to play and exercise your dog with these fun and easy indoor games.
Common Dog Illnesses That Can Be Prevented
As a dog owner, it's important for you to know the major illnesses that could affect your dog, and also the different ways you can prevent it. A big part of prevention includes vaccinations, knowledge of any underlying health problems, and understanding the common illnesses affecting your dog b
Why Use a Citronella Dog Collar
Learn how this is a very humane way to train your pet.Understand how the citronella dog collar works and how to use the citronella dog collar correctly.
Dogs With Joint Pain - 3 Ways to Stop Your Dog's Joint Pain!
Dogs with joint pain need our help immediately! It is so sad to see dogs suffer from swollen, stiff joints. Here are a few signs that your dog is experiencing joint pain...
Dog Arthritis - Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment
Arthritis affects people but also our dear pets. Statistics say that in US about 25% of pets are affected by arthritis. As a dog owner and lover, you should pay attention that your non-human friend is always in good mood, playful and that it eats well and healthy food.
How to Remove Tear Stains With Bluing
We all love our pets, so when it comes to their health, going the extra mile for them is never too much to ask. Dogs and cats often get stains around their eyes due to excess tearing. Not only that, but dirt and other elements can easily get stuck in the corners of their eyes, causing discoloration
Diet for Puppy With Coccidia
Coccidia are microscopic parasites that infect the intestine. The possibility of coccidiosis should always be considered when a puppy has loose stools or diarrhea. When a puppy presents at the veterinarian with watery, possibly bloody, diarrhea, a routine fecal test should be done to detect parasite
Siberian Huskies
One of the most beautiful breeds of dogs is the Siberian Huskies. They are not a common breed but the popularity is rising up. But the question is, is a husky the right breed for you?