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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Manchester Terrier Breed Information
The Manchester terrier breed is an active, friendly dog that loves to spend time with his owner. He is happy to run beside you while you jog or ride your bicycle. A game of fetch is always a joyous occasion for this determined breed. True to his terrier nature, he may decide to keep the ball. The Ma
Is a Dog Crate for You?
This articles help understand the basics of crate training.You will learn the advantages of crate training, find how to choose the right crate, and learn if crate training is for your dog.
A Look at Training Your Boxer:The Training Your Dog Series
"Training Your Boxer: The Dog Training Series" is not only a training guide.It offers the Boxer owner information on the Boxer breed's history and the personality quirks unique to Boxers which make them the marvelous people-loving dogs they are.
Tips on Training Aggressive Dogs
Aggression is instinctive to dogs. Survival in the wild required the evolution of this characteristic over many centuries. Some instinctive traits such as aggression have been minimized through selective breeding techniques.
Training Your Dog to Go to His Crate
Crate training is a useful way to housetrain your dog or puppy. Learn how to train your dog to get into his crate on command.
Make Crate Training Your Dog Easier
Do you have a new puppy? Did you just get a new dog? Chances are that you'll probably want your dog to have his/her own special place in your house. This could be in the form of a dog house or as simple as in a box or crate.
History of the Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is a breed of sporting dog that originated in Newfoundland and was brought to England by fishermen about 1800. It is an outstanding gun dog, consistently dominating field trials. The article outlines a brief history the gun dog.
Common Household Products Can Poison Your Dog
Household cleaning products and chemicals you use every day in the garage can cause illness or death to your beloved dog.
How to Make Dog Coats & Sweaters
Taking care of man's best friend is a privilege enjoyed by dog owners everywhere. During cold months, coats and sweaters provide your pet with warmth and protection from the elements. Dog sweaters and coats can be purchased or made at home. An easy way to make a dog sweater is to start with a gar
The Top 3 Zaniest Small Dog Costumes in Town!
From funny to zany, who let these dogs out for Halloween? Do you like mustard or ketchup on your hot dog? Do you like sesame seed buns or plain? Well, if you are a hot dog fan, then think about this zany hot dog costume for your little pooch. Wouldn't it be funny to watch your dog walking aroun
Bringing Home and Training a Golden Retriever Puppy
It is time to bring your golden retriever puppy home. If only he or she came with instructions! Here is your guide to training your new golden retriever puppy.
Can You Feed a Dog Popcorn?
Many dogs love to taste whatever their owners are eating, and popcorn is no exception. Popcorn can be a very safe, affordable and enjoyable treat for medium- to large-sized dogs.
Dog Rashes - Ways to Manage It
Your dog's skin and coat indicates the quality of its general health. It is important to remember that once skin rashes occur, they become persistent and will require patient treatment to free the dog from it. You and your dog may find the rashes obnoxious, but there are treatments for dog rash
Stop Aggressive Dog Behavior Now!
When it comes to owning dog, you'll come across many dog behavior problems that are unacceptable. One of the most serious behaviors that must be taken care of immediately is aggression in a dog. An aggressive dog is not only harmful to you and your family, but has the potential to be harmful to
Causes of a Dog's Bad Breath
Dog breath should not be unpleasant.chocolate lab dog nose image by Paul Retherford from Fotolia.comA strong or unpleasant odor from your dog's mouth is a sign that something may be amiss. Like humans, dogs can develop bad breath due to a number of medical causes, and if left untreated,...
How to Groom a Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire terriers tend to be very small and fragile. Due to this, many people are apprehensive about taking their Yorkies to a groomer. Grooming your Yorkie at home will save you both money and the anxiety that comes along with letting a stranger handle your dog.
Getting Rid Of Dog Fleas
There are several ways to kill or get rid of dog fleas but no one method is totally effective. How to get rid of dog fleas depends on the situation. A combination of different methods is required.
Indoor Potty Solution for Elderly Dogs Or Puppies
Potty training a puppy can be tough, also having an elderly dog that can't wait till you get home from work can be a problem as well. Now with an indoor pet potty, neither situation is a problem any more.
Deer Antlers for Your Dogs
Dogs love to chew, so much in fact they may be chewing on your furniture, shoes, or person belongings. Most people will assume the best way to resolve this issue to stop your dog from chewing completely. This is wrong.
How to Clean a Dog's Ears With Vinegar & Water
It's common for dogs' ears to smell, especially if they have floppy ears. When a dog's ears fold over, it makes it easy for moisture to stay inside the ear, which causes a buildup of bacteria and wax. If you notice the dog scratching its ear, it could have an ear infection. Regular cleaning can prev