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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Dog Houses - Buying Dog Houses From Online Sellers
There are different reasons due to which people keep a pet dog at their home. Some people might worry about the safety of their house while other might need a dog because they like to play with pets.
How to Correct Bad Breath in Dogs
Bad breath in dogs is not just something that has to be put up with. It may be indications of more serious problems and can be treated.
Dachshunds' Health and Herniated Disk Surgery
The dachshund is at high risk for developing intervertebral disk disease, or IVDD, because of its long body and short legs. The extra pressure on the back can cause ruptures inside the disks in the dog's spine. This condition may require surgical intervention.
The Magnificent American Bandog Mastiff
This article is an insight in the American Bandog Mastiff breed of dog. If you have a dog 'or especially any type of mastiff' then you must now how magnificent the American Bandog Mastiff is.
Fencing in a Sports Dog
If you have space and want to allow your hunter, retriever or large dog lots of room to roam without the fear of him going too far, then a sports dog fencing system is right for you. An underground electric dog fence made for Labradors and hound dogs, sheppards and Pyrenees is perfect because it all
Pit Bull Pregnancy Information
According to the history section of the United Kennel Club breed standard, the first dog registered with the UKC was a pit bull named Bennet's Ring in 1898, who was owned by UKC founder, C.Z. Bennet. Pit bulls have been used for a variety of tasks throughout history; as family protectors, livestock
Training Beagle Puppies
Instillling Good Habits EarlyTraining a beagle puppy can present many rewards as well as challenges. Characteristics that made you fall in love with the breed may also be a source of frustration when you train your little dog. Being aware of the benefits and drawbacks you may encounter...
Causes of Tear Stains
Tear staining is common in many small dog breeds.a portrait of a white dog image by Lombok from Fotolia.comNumerous light-colored dog breeds suffer from tear stains. The problem can be unsightly. The staining is caused from the normal bacteria living on the animal's skin and hair reacting...
Difference in Human Clippers and Dog Clippers
You trim your nails to keep your hands looking neat. In the same way, trimming your dog's nails is part of grooming your pet. Different clippers are used on human and dog nails.
Skin Problems and Allergies in a Boston Terrier
Boston terriers are prone to develop skin problems. Find out how to handle these problems...
Canine Vitamins for Skin & Coat
Dogs are complex animals that have specific nutritional requirements, some of which they cannot attain through their typical diets. Supplements, either in pill, liquid, or gel form, help dogs obtain their proper vitamins. Some vitamins are particularly helpful in maintaining a dog's skin...
The Downside of Boston Terriers
Popular breeds always suffer from poor breeding practices due to ignorant and irresponsible breeders. In responsible breeding, dogs from the same bloodline are never mated, and ethical breeders devoted to the positive development and health of their chosen type of dog will never, ever breed dogs wit
Puggles Are Not Mutts
Some people may say that puggles are mutts, but that could not be further from the truth.These new little designer dogs are sired by pure breed parents with a specific purpose in mind.They are not the product of happenstance as some would like to believe.
Dog Training
There are many different breeds of dogs and there are certainly many different approaches to train each and every breed. But in this article let us discuss the general idea of training, just to get a feel of it.
Slip Lead for Dogs
Slip leads are a popular training tool and are designed to help you maintain control over your animal. Although seemingly simple, using one correctly requires knowledge to prevent injury to your pet.
Smooth Fox Terrier Dog Breed Description and History
The Smooth Fox Terrier is a medium sized dog, with the male dog standing 14-16 inches in height and the female bitches 13-15 inches, with the males weighing 15-20 pounds and the bitch 13-18 pounds. They have a flat skull which narrows a little towards the eyes and down the muzzle, to their black nos
How To Cure A Dogs Upset Stomach
In this article we will give you some basic advice on how to cure a dogs upset stomach. If you have any worries about your dog or puppy it is very important that you get paid or free vet advice as soon as possible as the cause may be something more serious.
Staffordshire Terrier Information
So you're considering getting a dog. Have you thought about the Staffordshire terrier? We examine the characteristics and nature of this wonderful often maligned dog.
Flea Prevetion - Common Cat Flea
Did you know; I common cat flea can lay up to 400 eggs? Can live up to 30 days and lay 10 to 30 eggs a day!
Best Gifts for Your Dog
Dog Gifts - Discover the top gifts for the dogs in your life with this dog gift guide. From toys to treats, learn what gifts are sure to make just about any dog thrilled.