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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Some Common Complications Arising in Dog Pregnancy
Giving birth to some really beautiful, small puppies is not an issue for a day as a female dog has to bear a lot of complexities before finding her new ones. It bears stress, pain and variety of health disorders at this time. Moreover it needs you to be in and around her so that it can relax under y
Side Effects of Dr Frank's Joint Pain Relief for Dogs
Dr. Frank's Joint Pain Relief for Dogs is a homeopathic remedy. According to Dr. Frank's website, homeopathic ingredients approved by Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States in accordance with FDA guidelines do not have any side effects. Despite not having any side effects, Dr. Fra
How to Detect Urinary Infections in Dogs Before it Costs You the Bank - Or Your Dog
Urinary infections in dogs are quite common and if caught early they can usually be treated. It is always important to watch your dog and get a sense of their normal behaviors, that way if something goes wrong you'll be able to tell much faster by the change in your dog's behavior. There a
How to Handle a Multiple Dog Family
Many people own more than one dog, but having a multiple-dog household can seen intimidating and scary at times. Animals can have different personalities, likes and dislikes, and it can cause friction if your pets are not accustomed to each other. Before you bring a new dog into your home to join
Dogs Can Get Ringworm Too!
Ringworms are common in humans but it also affects animals particularly cats and dogs but dogs have the second highest percentage in terms of fungal infection. Dermatophytes cause fungal infection in animals, and the most common causative agent of ringworms, known as tinea, is Microsporum canis.
Canine Hip Dyspepsia
Canine Hip Dyspepsia is a disease that is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C. In this disease there is bleeding gums, brittle bones and corroded ligaments. The disease is prevalent among dogs too.
7 Natural Ways to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs
Are you frustrated with not being able to find a solution to your dog's constantly recurring urinary tract infections? Whether your dog suffers from stones in the urinary tract or inflammation of the urinary tract caused by bacterial infection, it's important to start treatment as soon as
How to Stop a Puppy From Biting and Barking
Biting and barking are two common problems that puppy owners encounter. Puppies are not yet familiar with everyday rules and do not know which types of behavior are considered good and which are considered bad. Bite inhibition is something puppies learn from their mothers and litter mates, but if th
8 Ways To Keep Your Senior Dog Mentally Stimulated
Keeping your aging dog mentally stimulated and active may extend the quality of life for you both. Here are some ideas to help you help your dog.
The Easy Way to Handle Dog Behavioral Problems
Problem behaviour in dogs can range from cute, but annoying little problems, to full fledged potentially dangerous issues such as biting. While there are many causes of behavioural problems, usually the solutions are fairly simple. You can teach an old dog new tricks and with consistent training, yo
Free Instructions for Crate Training a Puppy
Crate training is an effective way to teach your puppy where to eliminate while providing him with a secure environment at the same time. Dogs have a denning instinct that drives them to seek safe, confined spaces, and a crate fills that role. Your puppy will not want to soil his crate, so by confin
The Best Way to Keep Your Dog Healthy
When you add a dog to your family, keeping your animal healthy becomes your responsibility. We will discuss many ways to keep your healthy so that your dog can remain your companion for a long time.
Dog Food, Any Kind Will Do (Not Really)
Sometimes we may pick out any dog food and think it is best. That is certainly not always the case.
Tricks For Bathing Your Dogs
Back in the day, when dog shampoo was not fully developed, bathing a dog could ruin its coat and make the dog feel icky. Today, there are many types of dog shampoos, conditioners, cream rinses, etc available in the market and most of them are pretty decent.
Having a Dog Is For Life
The term is often heard "a dog is for life". Just as with "banner blindness" where we don't see adverts on web pages as clearly as we used to, so the slogan "a dog is for life" can get lost in meaning and importance.
Why Dogs Bite People
Dogs often bite unexpectedly and often don't mean intentional harm. Being attacked or bitten by a dog can be frightening. Knowing what reactions and situations can make a dog vulnerable to biting can help prevent being bit in the future. Keeping your distance from unfamiliar dogs can be a wise decis
Top Tips For Bathing An Aggressive Dog
If you have an aggressive dog then pass times can be challenging to say the least! However, there is no need to despair because there are things you can do to help with this problem and calm your dog down enough in order to give him a bath. If you want a stress free bath time to your dog, then try f
Homemade Dog Food For Beginners
If you are looking for information about homemade dog food, then this article will answer many of your questions. Because of all the content out there, it can be a confusing content. In this article, you will learn why commercial brands are unhealthy, why homemade dog food is the better choice, and
Are Human Vitamins Good for Dogs?
Pet owners often like to share aspects of enjoyable human cuisine with their pets. While certain human food items can be appropriate for dogs, other foods that are safe for us to eat are unsafe for pets. Foods like chocolate, grapes and seeds can be toxic to a dog and should always be avoided. Some