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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Dog Training - Getting Your Badly Behaved Or Embarrassing Pet To Do What You Want, When You Want It
A lot of people today will know that more and more money is being spent on keeping dogs as pets. However despite this, for whatever reason, people will never cease in their passion for keeping man's best friend and will continuously invest in sending them out for training.
Early Labrador Puppy Training
Early Labrador puppy training is the best investment you can make, for a happy relationship with your new best friend. Learn why early Labrador puppy training is important.
One Simple Tip to Stop Puppy Biting
Many of the times that young puppies bite will be because of behavioral instinct, this is where you have to have puppy training. Biting will be as standard for puppies as it is for walking.
Info on Steroids for Dogs
There are three classes of steroids that may be used in dogs: corticosteroids, anabolic steroids and sex steroids.
How to Get Rid of Dog Urine Carpet Odors with Grapefruit Seed Extract
Hate the smell of dog urine carpet odors and the unsanitary feeling it leaves behind? Part of puppy training and living with senior dogs is the occasional dog urine accident on the carpet. You don't have to live with the germs and the odor. You can save money by using grapefruit seed extract to get
Secrets to Stop Dog Begging
If you are enjoying a quiet meal at home with your family, or even with guests, and your dog decides to start whining until someone gives him some food, you'll most likely be very frustrated. This kind of irritating behaviour can be annoying to you and your guests and shouldn't be tolerate
Obedience Training For Dogs - Train Your Dog The Right Way
Obedience training is highly important for pet owners to enjoy having a pet. If your pet is untrained, it will cause you more stress than happiness and comfort. As you strive to have a pet which obeys you, you should also consider its well-being.
How to Train Dogs Who Sniff Out Bed Bugs
Just as dogs can be trained to sniff out drugs and explosives, they can be trained to sniff out bed bugs, which can find their way into all kinds of furnishings around the home. Because these bugs are tiny, having a dog who can tell you where there is an infestation can keep you from having to treat
Kennel Cough & Eye Discharge
Kennel cough is a common dog disease affecting all breeds and ages. It is similar to a common cold in humans and is acquired by kennel stays. There are many symptoms associated with the illness, including eye discharge.
Bouncy Jacks
This article tells the story of how a very bouncy Jack Russell who lost his owners came into my life. I put a previous article I wrote, Stray Dog Found What to do, to the test. See how things worked out for this stray little Jack Russell in this article.
Is The Alaskan Malamute The Perfect Pet For You?
If you want hardy winter outdoor dog then the Alaskan Malamute may be the one for you!
Constipation In Dogs After Surgery
There is nothing abnormal about constipation in dogs after surgery. Your dog could have difficulty eliminating just due to the medications used for pain relief and anesthesia during surgery. Moreover, the pre-surgery fasting could have disrupted the dog's digestive rhythm. Pain following surger
Dog Training Methods That You Can Use
You do not have to pay a lot of money to a professional dog trainer. You can train your dog yourself with some help from this article.
Dog Bathing
Bathing your dog may pose quite a challenge for some of you, pet owners, especially if your dog is the type who would be running away when it knows that is time for its regular bath.We all want clean and good smelling dogs to cuddle with, so it is important to give your dogs a regular bath.Your dogs
Dog Beds - Choosing the Right One Based on Your Dog's Personality
Are you trying to figure out what type of bed to buy for your dog? Let us show you how to choose the right one based on your dog's personality.
How Do Policemen Train Dogs to Be in K9 Units?
Police dogs, more commonly known as K9 units, can be invaluable members of law enforcement teams. With their brute strength, loyalty, keen senses and detection ability, K9 units are able to serve society and their human partners by fighting crime. Despite any natural instincts, however, no dog is bo
What Is Your Dog Really Saying To You?
While dogs may understand what we are communicating to them, no matter how much we kid ourselves they certainly don't 'know' what the words mean. What dogs understand is our energetic communication, our tone of voice and the associations they have with certain sounds or words. Dogs co
Preparation for Dog Potty Training
Potty training is the training that teaches your dog the proper way to eliminate. This training is vital the moment your dog takes it's first step into your home. Dog Potty Training is much easier to do when you have arranged a space which will serve as the place for your potty training.
Dog Urine on Your Carpet? What to Do When Your Dog Urinates on Carpet
If you are wondering how to get rid of dog urine on a carpet then I think I can help you. Not long ago now my dogs urinated on the carpet and it got on my nerves so I learned how to get rid of the smell and the urine itself. It took me a while but I trained them as well and they would never do it ag