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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Housebreaking Tips
Housebreaking a dog can be a challenging task that seems as if it will never be accomplished. It takes tremendous patience and understanding, along with commitment and consistency. However, when it comes to successfully housebreaking dogs, there are some essential tips that will help to ensure victo
Pointer Dog Breed Information
Pointers are in the sporting dog category. They are known for their good looks, high energy and enthusiastic disposition. They are often used in hunting to "point" out game such as rabbits and birds. Pointers also make excellent family pets, with their loyal disposition and their ease with children.
6 Hot Housebreaking Tips For Your Dog
One of the most challenging jobs that a family encounters when a new puppy comes home is getting the dog housebroken. This means that the dog will do its business outdoors rather than use the house and furnishings as a lavatory.
Why Should You Adopt a Jack Russell Terrier?
Having a Jack Russell terrier as member of the family can be a lot of fun! Imagine having one fearless dog you can play and spend time with. It will surely make your day challenging and exciting.
What Dog Health Problems Cause Poop Eating?
It is hard not to be physically revolted when you see your dog eating poop, be it another animal's or his own. But don't panic; it's not just your dog that does this. Coprophagy is the actual term for a dog eating feces. For many years, experts thought the reason behind coprophagy was caused by a po
How to Clean the Ears of a Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu's drop-tipped, hair-laden ears give this dog breed a particularly luxurious appearance -- but they also make ear cleaning more challenging. Hair often grows along the edges of the ear canals, which may produce a moist, humid atmosphere conducive to bacteria and fungal infections, says S
Teaching a Dog to Roll Over
There are many tricks that can be taught to a dog. One that is very popular to those who love to play often is known as rollover. This will make the pet go round and round in the ground that could be dizzy for the one who is doing it.
How to Heat Dog Houses
In U.S. states where it gets cold in winter, local laws usually stipulate that if a dog is kept outdoors, the owner must supply it with shelter from the weather. This includes a dog house large enough for the dog to stand up in and be able to stretch out. The house should not be much bigger than thi
Lost and Found: Finding Dog Training Advice
Dog training advice is a tricky subject. It all depends on what aspects of your dog's behavior you'd like to address. Certain basic commands should work with all dogs. Finding the appropriate way to behave with your dog is the key to working effectively. If you've ever struggled with
Dog Training Housebreaking
In this short guide, I will teach you 3 of my favorite dog training housebreaking tips. I hope that potty training comes easier for your dog after reading some of these tips.
How to Make a Puppy Roll Over
No two puppies are the same, even if they come from the same litter. Training your puppy is an important part of the socialization process. To teach your puppy to do tricks, the first thing you will need to do is hold his/her attention. Conversely, you will also need to know how to distract him/her
Whipworm Home Remedy
Intestinal parasites such as hookworm, tapeworm and whipworm are common in dogs. Worms can get introduced to your dog's intestines through the environment and require a positive fecal test for diagnosis. Your dog's veterinarian may suggest home remedies that can be introduced to the dog's diet in or
Tips For Reducing Aggression in Dogs
Do you own an aggressive dog? This can cause problems for you, your family and neighbors, not to mention, of course, the dog itself. Obviously, it is easier to train a puppy, but with a little extra time and patience you can train older dogs. The first thing to consider is why the dog is becoming ag
How to Make Dragon Costumes for Dogs
A dragon costume for your dog turns your pooch into a cute sidekick for the human who may be attending a costume party as a knight. Base your design around a pattern for a dog raincoat to create a simple but effective costume that will not cause your dog any discomfort. Such costumes are fairly simp
Dogs - What To Do When They Attack
Dogs have been known for thousands of years as a man's best friend and certainly the bond between the two exists through their comfort, respect, love and reliance on each other.But what do you do when your favoured pet becomes an attacker and attacks humans?What happens if you're the unluc
Puppy Care Tips - Bringing a Puppy Home For the First Time
Bringing home a new pet is often an enjoyable time in a person's life or a great way to add to an existing family. The joy of bringing home a new animal to play with and love is great for people of all ages. Most times, people want an animal that will be a loyal member of the family and want to
Why is My Dog's Skin Turning Dark?
As your puppy matures into adulthood, its pink skin may begin to darken. In many cases, this is a normal occurrence. In others, this darkening effect is a sign of a more serious problem. If uncertain about your dog's condition, it is important to take it to see a veterinarian who can correctly diagn
How do I Keep a Shih Tzu Puppy From Crying in His Cage?
Shih Tzu puppies are very active, playful and small in stature. Due to their small size and big personality, Shih Tzu's require more play time and potty breaks than other dog breeds. According to the Dumb Friends League, puppies under six months of age shouldn't stay in a crate for more than three o
Does Your Dog Have Arthritis?
Many people do not realize that their dog can get arthritis, just like humans do. There are many ways to help ease their pain.
Unique Girl Puppy Names
Naming one's pet is an important questpuppy image by SKYDIVECOP from Fotolia.comPets are like family to many owners. Therefore, owners often want to give their dogs special names, and some like to be creative and unique when naming their pets. Some may name them after famous historical...