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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
The Story of Bacchus
Finally the farmer announced he would have Bacchus destroyed as he was unsafe. I was unhappy about this because I knew Bacchus and believed he was not fundamentally a bad dog. In any event I already had two dogs and a large building I could use as a kennel so I said I would take him.
Build a Dog House - Things You Need to Know Before You Build Your Own Dog House
If you have always wished that you could provide a house for your beloved furry friend but you have either felt held back because you either do not have the financial resources to cover the need or you simply wished to have a custom house for your dog and you think it is only a craftsman you could p
The Rottweiler Dogs Are Courageous And Totally Fearless
This dog may be the only dog that has been loved and hated in the same measure all over the world. The dogs of the Rottweiler breed are loved because of their extreme loyalty and protectiveness about their owners and all their property, but in a such degree that they are known to attack even if the
Body Parts of a Dog
Although breeds of dogs will consistently change, the body parts will essentially stay the same. The body parts of a dog are distinctive. Dogs have four toes per paw and have vestigial dewclaws (dog thumbs) on the front of their legs, sometimes the rear.
Instructions for How to Clip Dog Hair
Owning a dog is not without its challenges. Your dog may be fun-loving, energetic and easy going during play time, but when it comes time for regular grooming, he may seem like a different pup altogether. Some dogs do not particularly enjoy getting their hair clipped, but for many breeds, this is a
How to Donate German Shepherds
Since German Shepherd Dogs can have stubborn temperaments and health or behavior problems if not well bred and trained, it can be a challenge to find the right way to surrender your dog, if needed. While you might first think about donating the dog to a local police department, the dogs used for K-9
How to Recognize the Symptoms of Parvo in Your Puppies
Parvovirus is a serious and potentially deadly disease that is highly infectious. Symptoms can be difficult to recognize because parvo can take on different forms in different dogs. At the highest risk for contracting the virus are puppies and any dogs that are kept in unsanitary conditions where th
Top Five Reasons Why You Should Consider Training Your Puppy
Buying or adopting a new puppy or dog means more than just having a furry companion to entertain you - it's a commitment that can lead to a loving and loyal relationship that you will cherish for the years to come. As such, it's only sensible to treat your beloved pet as you would your hum
How to Potty Train Puppies
Puppies are fun, playful and adventurous, although they can be a challenge. One of the most difficult parts of puppy ownership is potty training. Some puppies pick up on the idea of housebreaking right away, while others take much longer. Potty training your new puppy can be a struggle, although it
Boston Terriers - Getting a New Family Pet
Boston Terriers are great family pets. Anyone who has owned one will tell you that they are lovable, loyal family pets that will provide companionship and a great addition to any family for many years to come. These dogs are intelligent, outgoing, and friendly, and love to be around people, which ma
Nutritional Supplements For Your Dog
Your dog has certain nutritional needs to stay healthy. If its food does not give him all the nutrients he needs then nutritional supplements might be needed. But all dog food is not the same. Some are better than others. So if you find the one you have been using is lacking in the basic nutritional
How to Get Your Dog into the Westminster Kennel Club Show
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show takes place each year in February at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY. Westminster is part of the American Kennel Club (AKC) and is part of the MB-F, Inc. Superintendent's region (Infodog). According to the AKC, Westminster was the first show to include a comp
About Dogs - Site Index - C
Alphabetical directory of information and pages on the About Dogs website.
English Staffordshire Bull Terriers & Heart Disease
Bred to hunt and kill vermin and used in dog fighting in the 1800s, the bold and feisty English Staffordshire bull terrier earned the nickname "the nanny dog" for its love of children, despite its fighting history. Although considered a healthy and robust breed, the Stafford bull is predisposed to
How to Train Your Siberian Husky - Tips on Training Your Siberian Husky
Huskies can be one of the hardest breeds to train, If you don't know how. Here are some tips to help you out.
Is Gourmet Dog Food the Best?
You want the very best dog food for your dog. You have chosen a brand name gourmet dog food, but is it really good for your dog?
Grow an Herbal Garden for Your Dog - 10 Medicinal Herbs for Dogs
It is well documented that animals in the wild have natural instincts for picking and choosing the herbs they need for not only the healing properties, but also to promote health. My goats would browse herbs (weeds) in the pasture and canyons when we went on our hiking trips with them, nibbling and
Canine Influenza - What It Is, Symptoms and Treatments
Flu season affects our furry friends too. Although rare, canine influenza can affect your dog. Know the symptoms and what to do if you suspect your dog has canine influenza.
Hotels For Dogs & Doggy Daycare
In an innovative attempt to solve the problem of stray dogs plaguing the city, two Taipei businessmen have opened two luxury hotels for dogs. The hotels feature swimming pools, grooming salons, playrooms, classes and even VIP suites for dogs whose owners are simply too busy to provide care.