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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Border Collie - This Breed Needs a Job!
Before making the decision to actually go ahead and get a Border Collie my wife and I did a lot of research and talking with owners of the breed. There is no shortage of cautionary tales on owning this breed and we wanted to make sure we were making an informed decision. We knew they are highly inte
Why Dogs Relieve Themselves in the Home
Dogs urinate or defecate inside for many reasons, but almost all of these reasons are manageable. If a dog has been reliably housetrained and then has an accident, it needs veterinary attention.
What Will It Cost You to Purchase a Puppy
Owning a puppy is a responsibility and there are many things to consider before you buy one. You will need to take into account your lifestyle future and present, your children and other members of your household.
Obedience Training For Dogs Made Easy
If you are thinking about adding a pet to your family, or have recently adopted a new family pet, you are probably interested in obedience training for dogs.Both adding a pet and making sure that pet has a good start with obedience training are great decisions on your part. Dogs can bring so much to
5 Tips For Exercising Your Dog
Dogs, like their human owners, need exercise too. Read on and find out how you can give your dog the exercise it needs.
How to Kill Mange Mites with Bleach
Mange is a term used to describe skin irritations and infections caused by small parasites called mites. Hair loss, as well as intense itching, is often a sign of mange. The mites burrow into hair follicles, causing infection. Mites are extremely contagious and can easily spread from pets to humans.
Dog Tricks Training
Training a dog to perform tricks is a way to show off your dog's intelligence and enjoy interactive play time with your pet as well. Though teaching tricks is not necessarily an activity that is easy to achieve, some techniques can help make training your dog easier and more efficient.
Dog Skin Irritation from Licking
It starts innocently enough--your dog gets a small scratch or break in the skin, but then he starts licking the area and will not stop. Eventually, there is a huge, oozing wound that will not go away. The constant licking causes the skin to become thick and ulcerated, while the injury keeps getting
Dog Obedience Training - Stop Your Dog From Barking!
Many people suffer with a dog that barks constantly.You no longer have to.In this article, I show you some tips that you can put to use today to silence your dog immediately.
Putting Your Dog On A Diet for Weight Loss
Some dogs get fat.Either they eat too much, eat the wrong foods, or their lifestyle and metabolism changes as they age.Understanding this process will help you adjust your feeding habits and will help your dog live a healthier life.
Pet Nutrition and Dog Supplements
Employing pet nutrition techniques are very important to maintain your dog's happiness and long life. The use of dog supplements is also a primordial step to obtain and sustain this goal. Your beloved pet should be happy and healthy and always be an active member in the household.
How to Identify a Chinese Foo Dog
The Chinese Foo Dog is an ancient and rare breed kept only by a few associations across the world. The breed goes by many names and is an inherent part of Mandarin legend, also known as the Sacred Dog of Sinkiang, the Chinese Choo Hunting Dog, Chinese Temple Forest Dog, Chinese T'ien Kou (Chinese Ce
How Hypoallergenic Are Portuguese Water Dogs?
Do you want to own a dog but can't do so because you or someone in your family is allergic to dogs? Find out if the Portuguese water dog is right for you...
Why Dogs Eat Grass and the Best Way to Handle It
You may have seen your dog chow down on grass many times without really understanding why she does it. There are many theories about why dogs eat grass despite the fact that they are widely considered to be carnivorous animals. Here are a few of the most common ones.
We All Love A Well Behaved Dog
All of us consider our first puppy when we were kids. Bringing them home as they are crawling all over your lap, hammering your face with their cute little pink tongues. Of course what we consider as kids with our first dog is a lot different from what our parents consider about that time. As a lot
How to Crate Train a Pitbull
Pit bulls have a naturally dominant personality. With proper and consistent training, the breed can make an excellent family pet that is suited to any environment. Training of the pit bull should ideally begin during the puppy stage of the dog's life, but an adult is also capable of quickly catching
Dog Arthritis Pain Relief
Dogs are susceptible to arthritis just like humans. For beginners, arthritis is an inflammation in between two joints leading to extreme joint pain and discomfort. It is a condition where there is deterioration of cartilage or soft tissue in between two bones.
Dog Kennel - Keeping Your Pet Pooch Safe While Watching the World Around Him
As a sensible dog owner, you need to be certain that you provide everything to make him feel comfortable. Along with this, a dog kennel is an ideal way for your dog to spend time outside without being tied on chains.
Indoor Dog Potty Reviews - Which Is The Best For Your Dog?
Read some indoor dog potty reviews before you even think of buying one. And decide for yourself whether you're going to pick up Potty Park or Potty Patch.