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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Six Tips to Stop Your Puppy's Destructive Chewing
Chewing is a natural activity for puppies.Just as babies explore the world through their mouths, puppies explore and learn by chewing.Trying to get your puppy to stop chewing is a losing battle.Instead, focus on redirecting your puppy.
Things to Remember While Grooming Your Golden Retriever
Grooming your Golden Retriever can be a cumbersome task. Not only that, it is also a continuous process. Happy are those who can hire a service to groom their dog. However, more often than not, most people have to do it themselves. Here are some ways in which you can groom your Golden Retriever easi
How To Relieve Hot Spots in Dogs
In this article you are going to learn about how to relieve hot spots in dogs. Hot spots is a painful skin condition that affects dogs of all breeds and sizes and in this article you are going to learn what causes the condition in the first place and how to treat it.
How To Deal With A Biting Dog
Whether you have a puppy or a dog, you cannot allow them to bite. It is a behavior that must be corrected as quickly as possible. Aggressive dogs can be a menace and leave you wanting to get rid of them.
Junk Food for Dogs Vs. Healthy Food for Dogs
Dog owners both new and old should know why it is important to feed your dog healthy food rather than a diet of human food.
Dogs For People With Allergies - Get That Dog You Always Want
Understand what you can do if you are one of those people who have dog allergies.There are dogs for people with allergies if you know where to look.
Stray Dogs
Hundreds if not thousands of stray dogs are found each year around the world with no one in sight and nowhere to go. Information on what to do if you find a stray dog or lost animal and the precautions you should take to ensure the safety or you and the animal in question.
Help Your Dog Gain 2 to 3 Years of Life by Exercising - 3 Benefits to Exercise
Dog obesity can be avoided with the right amount of exercise. Exercise is necessary if we want to be healthy and it is no different for our dogs. Proper exercise reduces a lot of the common behavior problems with dogs that are generally associated with bordem.
What Size Kennel Does My Dog Need?
Having a kennel for your dog can be very useful, but picking the right size requires an understanding of what you can use a kennel for and a reasonable idea of how big your puppy will be when it grows up.
Dog Recall Training
Many dog owners are familiar with the problem of their dog running off at inappropriate times, and either delaying, or even refusing completely, to come back, when called. Of course, dogs do not do this as apart of some kind of evil plan to annoy their owners, it's simply that an interesting sm
Dogs and Diabetes
Diabetes in dogs is increasing in number. Some authorities feel that it may be due to the increasing instance of dog obesity. Keeping your dog at a good weight can avoid many illnesses including diabetes.
The Benefits of Professional Dog Grooming for Your Pet and You
Like humans, dogs need regular bathing and grooming for their sakes and those of their humans. They should be bathed every six to eight weeks, have their nails trimmed, ears cleaned, teeth brushed, and anal glands expressed. Most of these tasks are best left to a professional groomer.
Healthy Food to Consider For Your Dog
Feeding a dog properly is ethical and is a commitment that is part of keeping a healthy dog. Healthy food can be bought or you can obtain recipes that will help you prepare healthy dishes for your pet.
How to Stop a Dog Whinning in a Crate
Crate training is a useful way to housebreak your dog and provide a safe place for your dog at night or when you are out of the house. A crate can protect your furniture from destructive chewing, and can protect your dog from ingesting something harmful. The crate training process can be easy or dif
Why Do My Dogs Bark at Night?
For years, I would find myself wondering why my dogs bark at night and just assumed it was their nature. I thought that no matter what I'd do, my dog will bark anyway, so I might as well sit back, ignore the barking, and ignore the dog. It wasn't long, however, before my neighbors found th
Lakeland Terrier Dog Breed Temperament, Health Issues, Grooming and Living Conditions
This is a lovely affectionate dog that is highly alert, and lively, with lots of confidence. The Lakeland Terrier is particularly good with children. This dog needs firmness, and training, with the owner being a good leader.
Choosing the Best Car Harness for Dogs
As a family member your dog will want to be involved in your travelling plans. The trouble is that travelling with dogs can be a bit daunting sometimes and it's important to think of the safety and security issues when doing your harness research.
Coping With Dog Food Allergies
Dealing with allergies of any kind can be incredibly uncomfortable and frustrating, never mind dog food allergies which can be rather difficult to pinpoint. Just what is it in that 20-ingredient pack of dog food that is causing these dog food allergies? How can you perform testing to see just what y