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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Six Of The Best Non Shedding Toy Dogs
Non shedding toy dogs offer dog owners a number of advantages. Due to their small size they need virtually no exercise and can be suitable for apartment life, they are generally quite adorable to look at and because they're hypoallergenic you don't need to worry about dog allergies. Below
How to Bury an Undrground Dog Fence
Underground dog fences are appealing because of the absence of a visible fence that can still keep a dog in the yard. Installing the fence takes time and patience and sometimes requires professional help if the system is complicated. Burying the wire is vital to preventing injuries to a pet and avoi
A Dog's Day At The Beach
Before you take your dog to the beach, you should know first the rules and regulations since not all beaches permit dogs. There are some locals that permit dogs provided they are on a leash at all times.
How to Prevent Coat Dryness in Dogs
The appearance of a dog's coat tells a lot about their overall health. A pet's coat is dry if the hair is stiff or brittle, there is no shine or they are scratching or shedding more than usual. A dry coat is not usually a serious problem and can be corrected with a few simple solutions.
What Are Treatments for a Dog With a Flea Allergy?
Dogs with flea allergies can be treated image by jeancliclac from Fotolia.comFleas are annoying and itchy for all dogs, but dogs with flea allergies experience intense itching from just one flea bite. That's why it's important to treat dogs with flea allergies for both...
Is a Chow Chow the Right Dog Breed For You?
Don't panic--it's a Chow Chow!A dog with a blue-black tongue would normally cause any owner to freak out. But, when its a Chow's tongue, it's perfectly normal. This, and its distinctive stilted movement, makes these beautiful dogs totally unique in the canine world.
History and Origin of Lhasa Apsos
The Lhasa Apso was a dog breed established approximately around the 7th century AD. They were first discovered in the isolated ranges of the Himalayan Mountains.
Housebreak Your Puppy Dog - Potty Training Tips
You have a new puppy-dog. Now what? Oh yeah, housebreaking him. So, what approach should you take? Puppy dogs are like children and need your patience during this trying process.
How to teach your dog not to get into garbage cans
Dogs have a long, proud history of scavenging. After all, living on the outskirts of human encampments and eating leftovers was how they first became "man's best friend." Teaching a dog to stay out of the garbage can be an uphill battle but luckily there are easy ways to deal with this.
How to Build a Puppy Whelping Box
A whelping box is a special box created to help dogs give birth and raise their puppies for around the first eight weeks of their lives. Although some people simply use a cardboard box with some towels, using an actual whelping box will help to ensure cleanliness and increase each puppy's chance of
An Airline Approved Dog Carrier For Truly Stylish Travel
If your dog has to travel, it might as well be in style, right? And even though the term "airline approved dog carrier" sounds dull and bland and sterile, nowadays there are so many brands, colors and styles to choose from that there is no longer a reason to be B-O-R-I-N-G. One of the clas
Proper Dog Training For Your Family's Best Friend
Almost all of the pet owners want to have a well trained and obedient pet. It is indeed very advantageous to train and teach a pet. As for the dogs, dog training is essential to enhance their behaviors. Eliminating your dog's bad behaviors will prevent simple accident occurrences caused by your
How to Attach a Dog Carrier on Your Motorcycle
Dogs love it when they go to places with you. Because of this most dog lovers would love to take their bundle of joy with them. Find out how to attach a dog carrier on your motorcycle.
Aggressive Dogs - Can They Be Re-Trained?
Having an aggressive dog is not only a problem to the dog owner, but also to other people. You will never know when your dog may attack or injure someone. In fact, dog aggression can result in injuries and even deaths of innocent people, and there are many laws and by-laws that are imposed to punish
Benefits of Canine Massage
Many people are surprised to discover that massages for dogs are available. Just like people, dogs can get stiff and sore. Sometimes old injuries can cause discomfort years after they have healed and sometimes stiffness and soreness are part of the natural aging process. Although it certainly has it
Names of Loyal Dog
Dogs are incredibly loyal to their master. Here are the dogs that stand out from the rest. We will examine the breed, origin, gender, variations, meaning, history, and names of the best loyal dogs.
Obedience Training Tips For Dog Lovers
Training a dog is a fun and fruitful recreation. It not only tests and develops your patience, but it also develops a harmonious relationship between you and your dog.
How to Register a Service Dog or How to Scam the Disabled
I'm often asked how you register or certify your service dog, the answer is "You Don't". Companies that claim to register or certify your animal without training are simply taking advantage of the handicapped to make a dollar. In 1990 the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) wen
Learn How To Enjoy Dog Training Instead Of Dreading It
Dog training does not have to be miserable for you or for your dog, believe it or not it can actually be a great deal of fun for you both. Learning how to enjoy dog training instead of dreading it can be done by doing the right amount of research and really putting in all of your best effort to work
How to Brush a Dog's Teeth - 9 Steps To Success
So you're wondering how to brush a dog's teeth? Follow these simple steps and keep your dog's teeth healthy and beautiful!