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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Pet Discipline - The Right Dog Training With Hand Signals
Training your dog with hand signals are effective especially when your pet is not able to hear your verbal commands, so training man's best friend with hand signals is a good way to make sure that the animal follows your instructions even if both of you and your pet are a long distance apart bu
Dog Breeding - Pregnancy Questions
As a breeder I often get asked questions about dog breeding here are some examples. "My dog keeps licking her nipples, she never normally does this and she's eating a lot more. Why is my dog doing these things, is she pregnant?"
How to Treat Your Dog
Dogs are just similar like humans, which has its own emotions and reverence. Being a dog owner, you should know how to treat your dog!
Finding the Perfect Dog Food
Finding the perfect food for your dog should not be such a challenge.The importance of an optimum diet for your dog and the consequences of feeding the wrong diet are discussed.
How the Puppy Training Videos Can Be Effecting
Many people have bought the puppy training videos and tried several ways and means to get their puppies to sit and watch the new video with the hope that they will be able to learn and train themselves to be smart dogs. This is true. But little do they realize that this is next to impossible and you
Key to Become Successful in Puppies for Sale Business
The key to achieve quick success in the puppies for sale business is not only hard work, but following some measured steps from the very beginning. Know the pros and cons beforehand and prepare yourself before getting into the venture of selling pups.
How to Administer Eye Medication to a Dog with Dry Eyes
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, also known as dry eye disease, develops when a dog's tear glands stop producing tears to lubricate the cornea and lids of the dog's eyes. Affected dogs may suffer from corneal inflammation, recurrent conjunctivitis (pink eye), and a thick discharge around the tear glands
Have You Checked Your Dog's Teeth Recently?
A huge number of dogs out there are in desperate need of dental treatment. Here we explain how to check your dogs teeth and how you can stop them getting a painful mouth by regular brushing.
Tips on How to Help Your Dog Overcome Fears
The most frequently cited fears that dog owner's face is; their dog afraid of thunderstorms, traffic, gunshots and fireworks. In most instances it is normal for dogs to react to loud noises although many dogs are traumatised by loud noises, fireworks and thunder and become disorientated and may
Common Skin Problems in Poodles
Poodles can make great pets because of their good nature, intelligence and appearance. They typically have a long life span, with an average of 10 to 18 years. Some can live even longer, according to the Napoleon Web Page, which is dedicated to poodles. But, like with most purebred dogs, poodles hav
Standard Poodle Personality Traits
Poodles are a dignified dog breed that comes in several different colors and sizes. The term "standard" is reserved for poodles at least 15 inches tall with long legs, a tall and elegant posture, and a long and straight foreface. Standard poodles make excellent indoor dogs, though they do enjoy bein
Doggie Treadmills - Are They Worth the Price?
You're a dog owner, and you lead a very busy lifestyle. Unfortunately you just don't have the time to exercise him the way you should.You know he needs exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, but you're in a quandary about how to give him what he needs. This would be a good time to b
Dog Hotels in Pompano Beach, Florida
Pets can receive the ultimate in pampered care at Pompano Beach dog hotels.the dog sits image by Aliaksandr Zabudzko from Fotolia.comPamper your Pompano Beach pooch while you're away at one of several area dog hotels and boarding kennels. Ranging from ultra-luxurious to comfortably...
Blue Mastiff
These beautiful dogs require an experienced dog owner who has the confidence to deal with the size and strength of these intelligent creatures. Do not buy a Mastiff puppy thinking it will cure you of your fear of larger dogs. The animal will sense your fear but won't understand that they are th
Crate Train Your Dog - The Right Way!
Have you thought about crate training your dog or puppy? Before you do, there are a few things that you will need to consider.
Choosing a Dog Name for Your New Puppy
Choosing a name for your new puppy can be a difficult task. Should it be a long name or a short name. Gender neutral or gender specific? Reflect the dogs look or personality? All good things to consider when choosing a name for your dog.
Why Is My Puppy Vomiting Blood?
When your canine companion is vomiting blood, the condition is referred to as hematemesis. The condition indicates a serious problem with your puppy's health and your puppy should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. According to Pet Place, you must obtain a complete medical history and have ex
Whisper Buddha
Whisper, my fourteen-year-old friend and canine-other for the last nine years, died this morning in my hands. I'm reminded, as I often am when an animal friend dies, of a story by a small town vet.
Dog First Aid - Do You Always Need the Vet For Minor Ailments?
I am not saying that you should try and treat your dog for every single ailment that they might suffer from, but there are quite a lot of minor ailments that are easily treatable with a bit of knowledge. We are going to cover some that are easily treatable and will save the time and not inconsiderab
Some Tips On Puppy Kennel Training
There is a certain type of magic in getting a new puppy and those cute little critters are so adorable and cuddly. But, they do grow up and the best time to start training them is from the minute you first meet. You already bonded with each other the minute you picked up the cutest one in the litter