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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
How to Bury Underground Dog Fences
The underground dog fence allows dog owners to contain dogs within the boundaries of the yard without a leash. The fence works with an underground wire, a base transmitter and a collar with a transmitter that will beep if the dog gets too close to the fence and give a shock if the dog continues to t
Dog Nutrition - The Powerful Role of Water in Your Dog's Diet
Seventy percent of your dog's body is made up of water. Dogs can live even if they lose most of their body fat and half of their body's protein stores. However, dogs will die if their body loses even just 1/10 of their water.
Walking Your Dog With a Dog Harness
Teaching your dog to walk properly is very important. There are advantages to using the dog harness rather than a collar or a choke collar. Regular collars and choke collars can be harmful to your dog.
How to Make Spiked Weave Poles
Agility is a fast, fun sport where dog and handler work together as a team. The handler guides the dog over a set of obstacles, and the team with the fastest time and most error-free run wins. It is part of a normal dog's behavior to climb and jump over obstacles, but going in and out of weave poles
What is the Best Diabetic Dog Food to Reverse the Condition?
What is the best diabetic dog food, preferably one which can reverse the condition? For the answer to this, you need to take a trip back in time, to understand where your dog comes from and what his basic needs are.
Training Maltese Dogs - Discover Why Small Dogs Are Often Hard To Train
Some people believe that small dogs are easier to train than large dogs. This is often not the case. Training a small dog can present a unique set of circumstances. In this article, discover what that is and how to avoid it.
Dogs in the Snow
Dogs love to play in the snow, but we must be prepared to keep them dry and warm.How? Read on.
How to Modify Your Dogs Behavior
Modifying your dogs behavior can be a challenge that many dog owners face at some point. Modifying your dogs behavior though can be accomplished with training. You see dog behavior modification is simply changing the behavior to one that you find more acceptable.
My Dog is Lonely - What Can I Do to Keep My Dog From Being Lonely?
Dogs are very social creatures. They are pack animals and we are part of their pack. When we are not there for them, they are lonely. We have trained them, played with them and made them part of our family. We are the center of their world and even having another dog will not make up for us not havi
What Should I Do if My Dog is Poisoned?
If you suspect that your dog has been exposed to a poisonous substance, the time to act is now. Find out what to do in the event your dog becomes poisoned or exposed to toxins.
Dealing With Mange and Dogs
Mange is usually caused by a tiny mite called Demodex canis. This mite is too small to be seen by the human eye and can only be seen under the microscope.All dogs and people have some sort of these mites on their body, and most of the time they are completely harmless.
How to Keep Chicken Wire Tight
Chicken wire is one of the most popular types of fencing, often used to construct pens with which to cage small animals, such as chickens, hence "chicken wire." It is also an economical type of wire fencing that is not difficult to place or construct. One of the most difficult tasks involved with wo
Daniel Stevens Secrets to Dog Training Review
What is this dog training method? Secrets to Dog Training offers an atypically spelled out and exhaustive examination of how you can both stop and resolve the more usual problem behaviors demonstrated by dogs. I've looked on the Internet trying to find sources to help me with my own sometime mi
Have Fun Dog Grooming For a Living
Anyone would jump at the opportunity to work for themselves and have a whole lot of fun doing something they enjoy. One way to do this is to open a pet grooming business. The tips found here are given in a random order to help you go with the flow.
How to Make Your Own Dog Shampoo to Restore Oils
With all the dog shampoos available on the market it's hard to choose just one especially since some of the ingredients may be harmful to your pet. Dog's skin is different from people's and some of the name brand shampoos can actually make your dog's skin dry. A simple recipe for shampoo can be made
The Things That Are Involved When Adopting a Golden Retriever
Golden retrievers are undeniably adorable pets. They have many great characteristics that make them very lovable and captivating. Children and even adult pet owners will surely love the manners and bearings of these fine dogs.
Dog Training is a Priority
Right from the day you bring your new pet home, dog training is a priority for a healthy and happy living environment for you and your pet. All in all dog training is not rocket science all it takes is a little bit of research and patience.
Small Dog Breeds To Consider
If you are interested in buying a dog, you will want to buy a new furry friend according to your lifestyle. Do you live in an apartment? Are you physically active?
How to Shop For the Best Deals on Discount Dog Supplies
If you are currently a dog owner, or preparing to become one soon then you definitely are going to need a few good dog supplies for your present, or soon to be new addition to your family. This is because, dogs have certain needs that must be attended to and if they are ignored, it can only make thi
Gingivitis in Dogs Can Be Prevented
Gingivitis in dogs has become widespread. In my opinion, this is because raw bones are no longer a daily part of these dog's diets. When dogs are fed daily bones, they rarely suffer with gingivitis.