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Pets & Animal : Pets & Animal
Border Terrier Dog
The Border Terrier is a small, sturdy, medium bone dog. The muzzle is not long, and usually dark. They have wide spaced eyes that are usually dark in colour. The ears are V-shaped and set on the side of the head, dropping towards the cheeks. Their teeth are strong and meet in a scissor bite. The che
How to take care of your little dogs and cats
With all the modern developments that have taken place over the past few years, there has been a revolution in the pets and animals sphere as well. New and innovative ideas have come up that help huma
Discover Six Dog Behavior Modification Steps For Dealing With Fear Aggression In Dogs
By the time you finish reading this article, you'll have a better understanding of fear aggression in dogs. Plus you'll also know several dog training behavior modification techniques to use when dealing with this problem ...
I Licked A WHOLE Stuffed Crust Pizza and Fell On It
It's 100% true but that was when I was not so worldly. I was about 5 months old and teething like a mofo'ing mofo. It was driving me nuts and even though mum played with ...
The Importance Of Understanding Your Cat
Are you a new cat owner? If that's so, there will come a point in time when your cat becomes "just like one of the kids." Still, till that time arrives, it really is up ...
Periodontal Disease in Dogs: The Most Common Oral Health Issue for Canines
Far too many pet owners neglect the simple yet important job of keeping their dog's teeth clean. Just as in humans, neglecting the oral health of canines can lead to far more serious health i
How To Train A Puppy - Teach Your Dog Not To Worry About His Dinner Bowl
Sometimes, dogs exhibit a behavior called resource guarding: they become aggressive toward people (or other dogs) who get too close to something the dog values quite highly. It doesn't necessarily have to be food either - some dogs can get very attached to their toys, or blankets or even a grub
Some Common Dog Health Problems and Their Cures
A dog can be a man's best friend because of its loyalty and unconditional love for the master. So it is the responsibility of the owner to provide a clean and friendly environment for his ...
Making your own Homemade Ferret Treats
Knowing what is part of healthy ferret nutrition is key to creating healthy, tasty ferret treats. Following these guidelines, you'll be sure to create the ferret treats your ferret will love.
How You Can Save A Pet And Feel Great With Animal Rescue
Animal rescue programs are often wonderful and beneficial organizations that help find loving homes for misplaced, mistreated, stray and unwanted pets. Without local animal rescues, America would be facing many more issues relating to stray cats and dogs than they do today. The general purpose in an
Tips to Help Pet Owners Get Rid of Fleas
Many pet owners are wondering what they need to do to get rid of fleas quickly and easily. Their concerns are worsened if they have recently suffered a flea attack or know of someone else that has gone through the same problem.
Indestructible Dog Bed For A Lifetime Of Comfort
The search for an indestructible dog bed can get pretty frustrating for owners who have dogs who love to chew. When you do finally find something that's durable enough to justify spending a few dollars on your dog, they're often uncomfortable
The Mysterious Black Koi
How is the mysterious black Koi different from other Koi varieties? Find out about their secrets and origins in this informative article!
Before Deciding to Get a Ferret As a Pet
Ferrets can make ideal pets, and have become extremely popular. In the U.S., ferrets are the third most common house pet, after cats and dogs.
Pet Immune System Enhancement Is The Key To Building A Solid Foundation For Good Health
Discovering ways to promote pet immune system enhancement is important for any pet, although it is particularly important for aging pets whose immune systems are in decline. This decline in immunity b
Tame Your Pup's Wild Side For A Happier Household
Learning about dog training can be very overwhelming, but just like anything else, it can also be very easily researched, taught, and applied. Now that you have found this list of tips, hopefully, you can ...
Why Purchase Sugar Gliders?
There are many other reasons why animal lovers purchase sugar gliders. To help you decide whether or not you should get one for you and your family, you can start by knowing the benefits including the advantage and disadvantages of owning such pets
How To Work With Agility Dog Training Equipment
It is fantastic to have an agility program in your own home, but the amount of agility dog training equipment that is required for such a venture, may exceed your budget.
What to Consider When Buying Westies
Many people are probably familiar with westies, a breed of dog that is known for its white coat. Though they were originally bred to seek and dig out foxes, badger and other vermin, these small-sized ...