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Pets & Animal : Pets & Animal
What Are Horse Marines?
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines, who fed his horse on corn and beans and cut a swell in the Army, may be a character in a funny old song and an opera, but the U.S. Horse Marines were real. Marines are seagoing soldiers who usually serve as assault troops on land or sea. Horse marines were trained
Adopting Kittens: Singapura Appearance and Personality
The Singapura is a cat breed reportedly established from three "drain cats" imported from Singapore in the 1970s. It was later revealed the cats were originally sent to Singapore from the United States before they ...
Learn The Methods To Wipe Out Carpet Fleas
There are so many methods to wipe out or prevent fleas. Some are handled bychemical products. Several are natural. These two methods work on varyinglevels. Sometimes you must use more then one method to have the right effects tokill the fleas. Several formulas have good results for indoor, but are n
The African Grey Parrot--Understanding Its Popularity
The African Grey Parrot has undeniably become one of the most popular pet parrots available on the market today. Many prospective parrot owners choose to own this particular bird because of its many fine characteristics. ...
Natural Allergy Remedies - How You Can Eliminate Pet Allergies
Millions of people are plagued with allergies, and sometimes those closest to us can be the cause of such allergy symptoms as runny noses, itchy eyes, sneezing, and hives. I'm talking about o
Large Rabbit Cages - 3 Ways They Can Benefit Your Rabbit
Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a huge house that was kept up by someone else? Indeed your rabbit would also find it great to live in a large cage however; it would need a bit of work on your part to keep it in good order.
How to Kill Steers
Slaughtering a steer for meat can be a cost-effective way of securing your own beef for consumption. Killing your own meat assures you of what you are eating, because you know exactly what went into that animal and where it has been living. Knowing how to kill a steer effectively, swiftly, and human
What Do I Do When My Dog Eats Poop?
Is your dog always eating his own poop? Are You desperate to stop this dirty habit? Does your dog embarrass you out in public when he does this? Let me give you the answer to the question 'Wh
On Training A Shih Tzu Puppy
The origin of Shih Tzu lacks clear delineation. There can be different theories about its foundation. The most famous among them is the breed was introduced from Tibet to China; and imported to England and Norway in the 30s. A Shih Tzu contains himself proudly with happy atmosphere; often sweet in n
Air Travelling with Your Dog
Are you planning to go on an air trip and taking your dog? Read this article first. This is your guide to overcoming the challenges of air traveling with your dog. This also contains a lot of informat
How To Solve The Top 5 Cat Grooming Problems
If you have a cat, you know how important it is to groom your cat on a regular basis. When grooming your cat there are 5 cat grooming problems you need to know and you need to know how to solve these
Learn How To Raise Your Own Egg Laying Chickens And Build Your Own Chicken Coop For Them
Given the state of the economy, may people are making the effort to become more self reliant especially if you watch the news or read the newspaper. Everyday there are more stories about the food supp
Benefits Of Having Extra Large Dog Crate
Having this extra large dog crate for your dog is ideal for you and your dog, your dog will be comfortable on it while you will save money and time in purchasing another crate if he grows bigger.Have fun reading the whole article and be amazed how you can utilize this large dog crate.
How to Tell Whether an Elephant Is Old or Young
Considered a fascinating animal since ancient times, the elephant has been a source for food, clothing, physical labor and transportation in a variety of cultures for centuries. Being able to tell the exact age of these captivating creatures is difficult, but by examining the elephant's tusks, teeth
How Suitable Is Burns Dog Food For Your Dog With Food Allergies?
Combining traditional Chinese nutritional approaches with a macrobiotic philosophy, Burns dog food is formulated to provide your four-legged companion with all of the key vitamins and nutrients that he requires in order to be at optimal health. Is it a good choice for your dog with food allergies?
How to Grow Worms for Profit in North Carolina State
Worms can be a low-maintenance, helpful addition to your household, and provide entertainment for both kids and adults. Build a worm box to get rid of kitchen waste and produce compost and fertilizer for your garden and houseplants. Turn the box to profit by selling the worms to bait shops and nurse
7 Essentials To Starting A Pet Sitting Or Dog Walking Business
Find out the essential steps to starting your own pet sitting business. Here I reveal 7 of the most important tasks to complete in order to create a successful dog walking or pet sitting business.
Administering Ear Medications
Ear infections are common in dogs and cats. Opportunistic bacteria and yeast can quickly invade an ear canal that becomes inflamed by allergies, excess moisture, and changes in pH. Swimming and bathing are often triggers ...
How to Do Animations on Canvas
Animation can be created with the use of a vast range of media. Indeed, the only real limitation is your imagination. Artwork created on canvas, for example, can easily and effectively be adapted to form a piece of animation. This is commonly used to reveal the process and development of a piece of
A Quick Home Remedy for Cat's UTI? Some Facts You Must Know
If you're like me, you've probably attempted to put together some herbs or other home remedies to alleviate the symptoms of your cat's UTI. A quick home remedy for cat's UTI may seem like a ...