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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How to Praise Dance in the Church
Praise dancing is a form of Christian worship with Hebrew origins. In biblical times it was common for people to dance in celebration of God. During the Christian Reformation, biblical study began to take precedence over bodily expression of the Spirit, and the tradition of dancing died off. In the
Paleo Indian Tools
Stone arrowheads are commonly found in Paleo-Indian sites.indian arrowhead image by Jim Mills from Fotolia.comPaleo-Indian is a term used to describe the small bands of nomadic people that entered North America approximately 12,000 years ago. Little is understood about these early...
Ancient Greek Construction Techniques
The Greeks continued Egyptian principles of construction, such as building with stone, though their architecture was more highly adorned than the Egyptians'. A large number of ancient Greek buildings are still standing today, the most famous being the the Parthenon and Acropolis complex in Athens.
Video: Saying "Good Night" in Japanese
Video Transcript
Now we are going to learn how to say good night. Good night in Japanese is oyasumi-nasai. Repeat after me oyasumi-nasai. The same as good morning you can also use just oyasumi for casual good night. Its real meaning is have a good sleep, a good rest. So as in English...
Ogham Stone Monuments
Ogham stone monuments are a vestige of early Celtic culture. An Ogham stone monument consists of a singular stone slab standing upright and inscribed in the Ogham alphabet. Ogham stone monuments were created and used in early Christian Ireland and Britain and served as formal markers, although they
Interesting Facts on Chinese Dragons
The symbol of the dragon has penetrated many parts of Chinese culture. Although pictures of the Chinese dragon are common, little is known about the folklore and background of the Eastern dragon. Also, traits of the Chinese dragon often gets confused with the European interpretation.
The Uses for Ancient West African Masks
The uses for ancient West African masks are as varied as the cultures that created them. Ancient West African societies created and wore masks as marks of prestige, religious rights, ceremonies and reinforcing cultural norms.
Why Was Delaware Settled?
Delaware, one of the 13 original colonies and the first to adopt the United States Constitution, has a colorful history. Europeans began exploring the area in the 16th and 17th centuries. An explorer named Samuel Argall christened the area in honor of his patron, Lord De La Warr, giving the region
West African Ancient Instruments
There are many ancient instruments which came from western Africa and are still played image by Luka76 from Fotolia.comAncient instruments from regions of western Africa have provided music for use in entertainment and spiritual pursuits through the ages. Many string and...
Who Invented the Central Heating System?
A central heating source, such as a furnace or boiler, is the main element of a central heating system. The even distribution of heat throughout the home is what makes a central heating system revolutionary. William Strutt designed a warmed-air duct system for his Derbyshire, England fac
Brazilian Monuments
Christ the Redeemer is one of the most famous monuments in Brazil.Christ the Redeemer image by REH Designs from Fotolia.comBrazil is the home of many monuments both historic and modern. The monuments reflect Brazil's cultural and religious heritage, as well as modern art. The...
Native American Community Colleges
Native Americans face unique challenges with regard to career choices. Nearly a quarter of this population lived below poverty levels from 2003 through 2004. Educational opportunities on Native American reservations have historically been insufficient to provide young Native Americans...
Fathers Day and Significant Qualities of a Good Father
Fathers Day is celebrated in a great number of countries around the globe to honor fathers and fatherhood. Generally, it is a day to honor paternal bonds and the general influence of good fathers in ...
About Colonial Travel
Travel in Colonial Times was not easy. Much of the Colonies was still a wilderness, and it took weeks to get from one part to another. The colonists took on the challenge, and their methods of travel changed to meet their needs and evolved ever so slowly into what we take for granted today
Differences in Cultural Work Values
With more and more Americans doing business with other countries and employing foreign workers, it is important to understand and anticipate cultural differences between American workplaces and those in, say, Japan or Germany. Familiarizing yourself with the work cultures of your international colle
Mexican Import Arts & Crafts
Mexican ceramic tiles, like this one, mix local designs and ancient traditions.Tile image by Josef F Stuefer from Fotolia.comMexican arts and crafts showcase national traditions and a life-affirming spirit. With importers interested in buying and selling Mexican products, collectors,...
Black History Show Ideas
Black History Month presents many opportunities to help educate children and others about black history, and the important contributions and inventions African Americans have made affecting everyone living in the United States. Having shows in schools or libraries, not only during...
What Are the Different Types of Mythology?
Mythology is a term used to describe the sacred practices, rituals and beliefs of human cultures. While common parlance often uses "myth" to describe "falsehood," in cultural terms, mythology is neutral to truth or falsehood. Something being a myth doesn't make it true or false, it only means it is
Traditional Russian Crafts
Traditional Russian crafts have been manufactured and traded since the days of ancient Rus, the name given to the area that comprised Russia and Eastern Europe during the 11th and 12th centuries. Crafts began as metalwork used for religious icons. But Russian craftsmanship slowly developed to includ
Funeral Services in Sydney Can Make the Last Journey Memorable and Satisfactory
Funerals are a part of life that we don't really wish to know a lot about, but when the need arises, the after proceedings become the most important consideration for the family of the deceased. ...