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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Top 12 Bollywood Holi Songs - MP3 Downloads
Download the best selection of Hindi Holi songs from Bollywood films and add that special flavor to your Holi party!
The Easy Way to Learn Qur'an
The Qur'an is Islam's holy book. Muslims recite it five times a day all over the globe. To the new convert or non-Muslim, learning the Qur'an may seem like a difficult task.
Should Christians Try to Force Others to Conform to Their Belief?
This is an article about Christians trying to force others to conform to their belief. This should not be done because it could cause more harm than good.
Is Friday the Muslim "sabbath"? What is special about Friday in Islam?
On Fridays, Muslims pray in congregation. What is special about the Friday prayers in Islam?
Mayil or Mayur (Peacock)
Endearing images embodying intuitions of the spirit that adorn Hindu art, architecture and iconography. Written by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, and illustrated by A Manivel for 'Dancing With Siva'.
5 Simple Christian Tips for Staying Positive
Karen Wolff shows us how to turn our negative thoughts into positive thinking--permanently--with these positive attitude tips for Christians.
Preparing For Ramadan - 5 Tips - Quick Guide
This article looks at the coming of Ramadan. Its only a matter of a few days now and Insha-Allah ( God-willing) we will return to the month of reflection and focus where great rewards can be attained. This quick guide will give 5 tips on how we can prepare for the coming of Ramadan.
Spiritual guidance cleanses your soul to lead a peaceful life
Human beings have an inherent desire to know about the world that is beyond their senses and cannot be seen or experienced by the naked eyes. This unnatural world or also known as the metaphysical wor
Begin Today
Are ye Angel are ye Saint? Have you ever loved and been glad you did though it had to end? What about loving your life? Could it be Everlasting could you live your life forever? Commit your love and y
11.11.11 for your perfect wedding day
Numerology is considered as one of the earliest forms of metaphysical reading and communication. In early days people used numbers, markings and scribing methods to intercommunicate, trade and exchang
The Only Reason You're Number Two Is Because You Rejected Number One
Every person born is an only Begotten Son or Daughter. Only begotten means the same thing as one-of-a-kind. Being a one-of-a-kind means we're the only one…the only one begotten. We are all nu
Do You Have a Spiritual Security Plan in Place?
We cannot anticipate all the possible dangers we will face in this life. We must have a spiritual security plan that includes Heavenly Father.
A Scary Thought For Some
How bout' this --The thought that as a Christian you can do whatever you want... scary? Consider this Bible verse:"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify."
Worry or Faith
Worry & Faith SCRIPTURE (Philippians 4:6-9 NIV) 6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God's ...
How To Fulfill Your Destiny – 5 Guides To Help You Do It
Why am I here on earth? Is life only for mechanical routine? The Bible states that God has a purpose for each of us. We were not born by chance, nor by mere coincidence. We are here, as being sent to
Living Up to a Higher Calling
When we live for God we become far less interested in judging others than when we are living for ourselves. We cannot live for God and feel justified in judging other people. Living for God is our sole and defining purpose. It's enough for anyone. There is no room for judgment.
Refuse To Be Offended
To take offense damages relationships causing them to breakdown. This may be acceptable if we are sinned against. Maybe it is understandable, that is to take offense if someone sins against us, but we must still love them. Offense breaks the bond of love and this causes relationships to break down.S
Bible and Women - Women in 1 Timothy 2:11-13
1 Timothy2:11-13 is usually mistranslated into English, "Let the woman learn in silence in all subjection. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man but to be silent. For Adam was formed first then Eve." The correct translation of the passage is, "A woman must l
Beliefs & Choices: Are Beliefs Like Actions?
We have seen that there are analogies in language for belief being both voluntary and involuntary, but on the whole the analogies for voluntarism aren't very strong. A more significant problem for the voluntarism held by most Christians is that an examination of the nature of holding beliefs do