Survival Skills, Tips & Gear
- Survival skills can help you survive by obtaining or building the necessities of shelter, fire and water. Fire can be made from rubbing a stick onto another dry piece of wood for an extended period of time, or using a lens from a pair of eyeglasses to concentrate the sun onto a dry substance such as dry grass or paper. Shelter can be made virtually anywhere if you utilize your surroundings such as trees, vine, plants or remnants of buildings.
- Having survival gear with you when you can give you an advantage if a emergency situation arises. A multi-tool is an essential item that can be carried in a pocket or on your belt in a holster. It includes a variety of tools including knife blades, scissors, pliers, screw drivers, can opener, flint and eating utensils, on some models. Water purification tablets are small pills that can be added to water to kill off harmful bacteria and organisms. Other small items that will be beneficial are a compass, strike-anywhere matches, rope, poncho, fishing hook, mirror and cell phone.
- Having a few adhesive bandages in your wallet or purse can be used to treat a cut and abrasions in survival situations and everyday life. Never drink from an untreated water source unless absolutely necessary because it can contain harmful organisms that can be more detrimental than helpful. It is essential that you let people know where you are going and when you will be back, especially on hiking hunting or fishing trips so a rescue can start promptly if you do not return.
- Survival situations sometimes call for navigating your way out of a remote area. It is recommended that you follow a river or stream due to most civilizations being congregated around sources of water and will eventually lead you to other people who can help. If in an area overnight, try to locate the North Star and mark its direction on the ground so you can determine what direction you want to head in.