Holland Lop Rabbits - What You Need to Know About These Adorable Rabbits!
The Holland Lop rabbits are popular house pets for possessing a non-aggressive behavior and a sweet temperament. They are considered as juniors till they are 6 months old. From 7 months onwards, they are called seniors.
This breed came into existence when a rabbit breeder named Adriann de Cock from the Netherlands sought to breed the Netherlands Dwarf buck and the Fresh Lop doe. After several attempts of breeding and interbreeding of the litter, he came up with the Holland Lops. De Cock's Holland Lops were 2.4 or 3 kilograms in size. He then came up with the most desirable less than two kilograms of weight specimens and he presented them to the Rabbit Council of Netherlands. After this, the Holland Lop got recognition as a new rabbit breed.
The Holland Lop rabbits are well-liked and are popular among several breeders, pet owners and rabbit enthusiasts due to their inherent attractiveness and compact size. This is one of the smallest rabbit breed in the lop-eared category. Their muscular-appearing stocky body can be characterized by short-thick legs, deep chests and bread shoulders. They usually are white, black, broken black and tortoise-shell shade in color. The Holland Lops comes under the dwarf category. The Holland Lops grow and live normally and can easily weigh up to 5 ½ lbs. The ears of a Holland Lop hang down 1 inch under their jawbone. They have their heads high on their shoulders.
It is essential for the owners of this breed to keep the weight of the rabbit in control. Take precautions so that the rabbit does not become too fat. Reproductive problems could arise id fat gets accumulated around the ovaries. Hence, keeping a Holland Lop's weight under control will ensure good health.
Even if the Holland Lop rabbits are fairly small in size, these rabbits are notoriously playful and active. That is why it is advisable to keep them in a spacious cage if they are intended to be cared for as a pet. Though a good choice for a first time rabbit owner, the Holland Lop Rabbits tend to be a bit hyper and skittish. Therefore, handling them carefully is recommended.
What to know more about Holland Lop Rabbits? Visit http://www.raisingrabbits.org/holland-lop-rabbits/ for more information.
You can also find out more about raising rabbits by going to: http://www.raisingrabbits.org.
This breed came into existence when a rabbit breeder named Adriann de Cock from the Netherlands sought to breed the Netherlands Dwarf buck and the Fresh Lop doe. After several attempts of breeding and interbreeding of the litter, he came up with the Holland Lops. De Cock's Holland Lops were 2.4 or 3 kilograms in size. He then came up with the most desirable less than two kilograms of weight specimens and he presented them to the Rabbit Council of Netherlands. After this, the Holland Lop got recognition as a new rabbit breed.
The Holland Lop rabbits are well-liked and are popular among several breeders, pet owners and rabbit enthusiasts due to their inherent attractiveness and compact size. This is one of the smallest rabbit breed in the lop-eared category. Their muscular-appearing stocky body can be characterized by short-thick legs, deep chests and bread shoulders. They usually are white, black, broken black and tortoise-shell shade in color. The Holland Lops comes under the dwarf category. The Holland Lops grow and live normally and can easily weigh up to 5 ½ lbs. The ears of a Holland Lop hang down 1 inch under their jawbone. They have their heads high on their shoulders.
It is essential for the owners of this breed to keep the weight of the rabbit in control. Take precautions so that the rabbit does not become too fat. Reproductive problems could arise id fat gets accumulated around the ovaries. Hence, keeping a Holland Lop's weight under control will ensure good health.
Even if the Holland Lop rabbits are fairly small in size, these rabbits are notoriously playful and active. That is why it is advisable to keep them in a spacious cage if they are intended to be cared for as a pet. Though a good choice for a first time rabbit owner, the Holland Lop Rabbits tend to be a bit hyper and skittish. Therefore, handling them carefully is recommended.
What to know more about Holland Lop Rabbits? Visit http://www.raisingrabbits.org/holland-lop-rabbits/ for more information.
You can also find out more about raising rabbits by going to: http://www.raisingrabbits.org.