Spiritual Liberation - Fulfilling Your Soul"s Potential, by Michael Beckwith - Book Review
Michael Beckwith, featured teacher of The Secret, is on a mission to have you create a desire about something much more than change or improvement.
This book among other things is about transformation to a sustaining spiritual practice.
The author begins with his own story which may surprise those that are not familiar with his background.
From there he explains what he calls his core teachings and finally gives practical tools to apply to sustain the transformation, regardless of where you are on the path.
His core teachings cover areas such as evolved people who he describes as those who give thanks, give without agenda and see life as a celebration, not a problem to be solved among others.
He discusses the idea of transformation and awakening to our authentic self, all the while giving guidance on how to focus on what is internally important and to listen to it.
Much of his approach is based on going within and emphasizing that this should be the priority vs.
having the priorities dictated to us from the outside world of media, marketing etc.
He really gets to this point with his chapters on Tyranny of Trends and Inner Ecology.
He then goes into different tools to apply to use everyday.
Much of this is based on a healthy mindset that encourages you to look within to see what is important and not have your life determined by the judgment of others.
If you follow this book you will realize that happiness is a choice which he goes into detail in the chapter on Soulware For Authentic Happiness.
After reading this book I found I was looking at things a little differently than before.
I think what made the most impact on me was his efforts to have the reader focus more on the goings on inside him/her and less on the "noise" going on outside.
Sounds like good advice to me.
This book among other things is about transformation to a sustaining spiritual practice.
The author begins with his own story which may surprise those that are not familiar with his background.
From there he explains what he calls his core teachings and finally gives practical tools to apply to sustain the transformation, regardless of where you are on the path.
His core teachings cover areas such as evolved people who he describes as those who give thanks, give without agenda and see life as a celebration, not a problem to be solved among others.
He discusses the idea of transformation and awakening to our authentic self, all the while giving guidance on how to focus on what is internally important and to listen to it.
Much of his approach is based on going within and emphasizing that this should be the priority vs.
having the priorities dictated to us from the outside world of media, marketing etc.
He really gets to this point with his chapters on Tyranny of Trends and Inner Ecology.
He then goes into different tools to apply to use everyday.
Much of this is based on a healthy mindset that encourages you to look within to see what is important and not have your life determined by the judgment of others.
If you follow this book you will realize that happiness is a choice which he goes into detail in the chapter on Soulware For Authentic Happiness.
After reading this book I found I was looking at things a little differently than before.
I think what made the most impact on me was his efforts to have the reader focus more on the goings on inside him/her and less on the "noise" going on outside.
Sounds like good advice to me.