Spouses Are Not Naturally Compatible
It is surprising, But it is true, When both spouses are: Honest, not greedy, faithful to each other, Devoted to children, healthy, attractive, Non-alcoholic, not addicted to drugs, intelligent, They may still be incompatible.
Why? We are not satisfied, if we are right, We are more satisfied, When we prove, others are wrong, And then set them right.
Spouses in every household are fighting an eternal battle, to set each other right, We believe, Our idea, our solution, our remedy, Are the best.
Little we realize that, Our idea, our solution, Are, one of the multiple options, All nearly, equally acceptable.
We suffer from a mistaken belief: 'My idea, my family, my society, My religion, my culture, my language, Are the best, and God's favorite; Because all these belong to me.
' Our interaction with, A new friend, a new relation, Is similar to, Our interaction with a new product.
We are careful, cordial to start with, But as time passes, Novelty is no longer there.
We are casual, indifferent, and may even ignore, the spouse, Due to excessive familiarity; We get bored, And just tolerate each other.
Yes, There are spouses, who tolerate each other, As long as they live, For want of better alternative.
We must realize, it is a natural phenomenon, To get bored, when we are familiar; Not only with our spouse, Even with a toy, a gadget.
Our longing for every 'organic', mortal entity, A human friendship, a relationship, An eatable, or a new toy or gadget, Dwindles as we use it repeatedly; or interact daily, intimately.
Intensity of our interaction with human beings or creations of humanity, Always degenerates as time passes.
When we interact with God or Godly objects, scriptures, And we fall in love, There is no boredom, It is eternal love.
As these concepts and ideas are immortal.
There are solutions, For not getting bored: Extramarital affair, dating, verbal flirting and call girls.
These add a temporary excitement in life; Only to regret later.
Let us learn to find happiness with our spouse, Old is gold, Remember, the good old days, 'When we met first time and there was love all around.
' Let us recreate the same ambience, Shed our egos, God will bless us with eternal love for each other.
If it does not work out, Try forgetting and forgiving the spouse, We are all imperfect, except God, our creator.
We have to work out for compatibility, Accept and respect, spouse's ideas, thoughts, Shed the mistaken notion, 'I am always right'.
And, look after, Own and spouse's old parents, Who forget what they spoke a minute ago, Keep repeating their interesting anecdotes; yet expect attentive audience.
Love and harmony will multiply in our lives.
Why? We are not satisfied, if we are right, We are more satisfied, When we prove, others are wrong, And then set them right.
Spouses in every household are fighting an eternal battle, to set each other right, We believe, Our idea, our solution, our remedy, Are the best.
Little we realize that, Our idea, our solution, Are, one of the multiple options, All nearly, equally acceptable.
We suffer from a mistaken belief: 'My idea, my family, my society, My religion, my culture, my language, Are the best, and God's favorite; Because all these belong to me.
' Our interaction with, A new friend, a new relation, Is similar to, Our interaction with a new product.
We are careful, cordial to start with, But as time passes, Novelty is no longer there.
We are casual, indifferent, and may even ignore, the spouse, Due to excessive familiarity; We get bored, And just tolerate each other.
Yes, There are spouses, who tolerate each other, As long as they live, For want of better alternative.
We must realize, it is a natural phenomenon, To get bored, when we are familiar; Not only with our spouse, Even with a toy, a gadget.
Our longing for every 'organic', mortal entity, A human friendship, a relationship, An eatable, or a new toy or gadget, Dwindles as we use it repeatedly; or interact daily, intimately.
Intensity of our interaction with human beings or creations of humanity, Always degenerates as time passes.
When we interact with God or Godly objects, scriptures, And we fall in love, There is no boredom, It is eternal love.
As these concepts and ideas are immortal.
There are solutions, For not getting bored: Extramarital affair, dating, verbal flirting and call girls.
These add a temporary excitement in life; Only to regret later.
Let us learn to find happiness with our spouse, Old is gold, Remember, the good old days, 'When we met first time and there was love all around.
' Let us recreate the same ambience, Shed our egos, God will bless us with eternal love for each other.
If it does not work out, Try forgetting and forgiving the spouse, We are all imperfect, except God, our creator.
We have to work out for compatibility, Accept and respect, spouse's ideas, thoughts, Shed the mistaken notion, 'I am always right'.
And, look after, Own and spouse's old parents, Who forget what they spoke a minute ago, Keep repeating their interesting anecdotes; yet expect attentive audience.
Love and harmony will multiply in our lives.