Pet Travel Tips
- Take your pet to the veterinarian to receive a checkup. Assure your pet has all necessary vaccinations. Ask your veterinarian for a health certificate dated at least 10 days before your trip. For traveling outside the United States, check with the foreign office of where you plan to travel. Also, purchase and pack a leash, dog bed, carrier, food, pet snacks, medicine, water and a bowl. Bring some toys along, so your pet can be entertained on the trip. Advise the personnel of your airline, cruise, bus or train that you are traveling with your pet. This allows time for the personnel to be prepared, if special attention is required or arrangements need to be made.
- Keep your pet safe by buying a USDA-approved shipping carrier appropriate for your pet's size. You may purchase a carrier at various airlines or pet supply stores. Mark the outside of the carrier with the words "Live Animal" on the top and side. Identify the carrier's upright position. Plus, include your contact and destination information in case of an emergency or your pet gets loose. Place a towel or shredded paper at the bottom of the carrier to soak up any mishaps. Assure the carrier's door is closed, but not locked, to make sure personnel can get in it in case of an emergency. Last, attach a picture of your pet on the carrier for easy identification.
- Have your pet wear an ID tag, collar or microchip in case your pet gets lost. Include your address and destination information on your pet's collar. Keep a photo of your pet in your carry-on luggage, in the unfortunate event your pet gets loose. When flying with your pet, make a reservation for a direct flight. Having a non-stop flight reduces the possibility of baggage personal mistreating your pet or your pet being left on the tarmac in hot weather.
10 Days Before Travel
The Pet Carrier
Convenience and Identification