Equine Colic Treatments
- Most of the time gas or impaction colic can be treated by walking the horse, and walking up and down hills works even better. The movement stimulates the horse's gut, which can help relieve gas or move impacted food. Keep walking until the horse passes manure, wants to eat and seems more interested in her surroundings. Some people will take their horses for rides on the trailer for the same reasons, with the trailer ride stimulating the gut even more.
- If your veterinarian believes he should come out and see your horse, he will probably "tube" your horse. Tubing means he inserts a stomach tube and pours mineral oil down into your horse's stomach. Do not try tubing the horse yourself; you may insert the tube into the horse's lung, which will kill him. The oil can help any impacted food move in your horse's gut. If your vet does not feel it is necessary for him to come out, you can try mixing mineral oil, warm water and powdered electrolytes in a bucket. Give the mixture to your horse with an oral syringe.
- Twisted intestines are very serious, and your veterinarian will tell you to rush your horse to an equine veterinary hospital for surgery if she suspects a twist has occurred. If the twist turns into a rupture, there is little chance of saving your horse. When the surgeon opens your horse, he will be able to tell you how bad the the situation is and what your options are.