Cleaning With Dry Steam Vapour
The efficacy of cleaning with dry steam vapour is unrivalled the world over but the conservative use of both water and electricity and the critical fact that the entire system is totally chemical-free elevates the dry steam vapour cleaning system to lofty and eco-friendly heights.
Tests conducted by health authorities in the United Kingdom recently proved dry steam vapour has the punch to eliminate even the most adaptable of bacteria, viruses and other dangerous pathogens. In fact, a ‘kill' rate of between 80% and 90% has been recorded, a kill rate which has never been emulated by any other cleaning system.
Surfaces soiled with grease, oils and other stubborn stains are no deterrent to industrial cleaning equipment which relies on superheated vapour. Temperatures peak at close to 135 degrees Celsius, ensuring a deep sanitising and deodorising clean.
Perfect for Allergy Sufferers
Hardy, household pests including dust mites and fleas are totally eliminated by this simple superheated dry vapour system. Allergy sufferers stand to benefit from a two-pronged attack; the decimation of the actual cause of the problem, be it dust, dust mites or animal hair and the fact that the system contributes to a better overall air quality by reducing chemical residues and eradicating unsavoury airborne particles.
Dry Steam Technology - How it Works
The technology behind the system is simple. Water is added to the steam cleaner's boiler or tank and is heated to extremely high temperatures creating hot, dry steam or vapour containing less than 10% of water vapour. This ensures the system is not only effective but is a ‘no mess, no fuss' cleaning solution too.
The heated vapour actually penetrates the pores of the surface, destroying bacteria and germs as well as emulsifying grease, oil and other contaminants. The dirt is suspended in the water droplets, resulting from the steam, and removed by the steam cleaner's vacuum mode.
Good dry steam cleaners, such as the OspreyDeepclean ProVap 7 Vac and the digital Steam & Vac Professional, will have a range of accessories to expedite the difficult-to-reach cleaning process. Particularly stubborn dirt and stains may require a scrubbing force and the accessories or attachments will do the hard graft for you!
The dry steam vapour cleaning system is quiet, portable, requires low pressure, a little water and absolutely no chemicals. It's cost effective, easy to manage and, crucially, is friendly to our environment as well as light on our dwindling natural resources.
Tests conducted by health authorities in the United Kingdom recently proved dry steam vapour has the punch to eliminate even the most adaptable of bacteria, viruses and other dangerous pathogens. In fact, a ‘kill' rate of between 80% and 90% has been recorded, a kill rate which has never been emulated by any other cleaning system.
Surfaces soiled with grease, oils and other stubborn stains are no deterrent to industrial cleaning equipment which relies on superheated vapour. Temperatures peak at close to 135 degrees Celsius, ensuring a deep sanitising and deodorising clean.
Perfect for Allergy Sufferers
Hardy, household pests including dust mites and fleas are totally eliminated by this simple superheated dry vapour system. Allergy sufferers stand to benefit from a two-pronged attack; the decimation of the actual cause of the problem, be it dust, dust mites or animal hair and the fact that the system contributes to a better overall air quality by reducing chemical residues and eradicating unsavoury airborne particles.
Dry Steam Technology - How it Works
The technology behind the system is simple. Water is added to the steam cleaner's boiler or tank and is heated to extremely high temperatures creating hot, dry steam or vapour containing less than 10% of water vapour. This ensures the system is not only effective but is a ‘no mess, no fuss' cleaning solution too.
The heated vapour actually penetrates the pores of the surface, destroying bacteria and germs as well as emulsifying grease, oil and other contaminants. The dirt is suspended in the water droplets, resulting from the steam, and removed by the steam cleaner's vacuum mode.
Good dry steam cleaners, such as the OspreyDeepclean ProVap 7 Vac and the digital Steam & Vac Professional, will have a range of accessories to expedite the difficult-to-reach cleaning process. Particularly stubborn dirt and stains may require a scrubbing force and the accessories or attachments will do the hard graft for you!
The dry steam vapour cleaning system is quiet, portable, requires low pressure, a little water and absolutely no chemicals. It's cost effective, easy to manage and, crucially, is friendly to our environment as well as light on our dwindling natural resources.