The Whole House Attic Fan: Saving You Money, Saving the Environment
The Whole House Attic Fan: An Introduction
There is something very positive to be said about making our homes more energy efficient. While many people don't bother to implement the changes that are necessary to reduce our home's carbon footprint, the families that do are reaping peace of mind and much reduced electricity bills! One of the greatest users of energy in the home is traditional air conditioning. Unfortunately, there are some climates that just don't permit us the luxury of living without them and the exorbitant cooling bills they come hand-in-hand with. However, there are smarter cooling technologies that work far more efficiently AND at a fraction of the electricity required by traditional air conditioning. The whole house attic fan is a prime example of a very simplistic, yet powerfully effective cooling technology that runs at pennies per hour and is – home by home – helping us to reduce the environmental impact of our society and indeed, of our civilization.
Traditional Air Conditioning and the Whole House Attic Fan
Traditional air conditioning has long been the answer to the insufferable heat. While it keeps us cool and comfortable, this technology comes with its challenges, not least of all the exorbitant electricity bills. As it was said, air conditioning is one of the greatest users of energy in the home and this is something we need to change, especially with the effects of excessive carbon emissions becoming evident in global weather patterns. The whole house attic fan works quite simply by expelling the accumulation of heat in the attic of the home while at the same time, drawing in great volumes of cool, fresh and clean air through open windows and doors. While traditional air conditioning simply recycles the air inside your house over and over again – each time re-cooling it – the whole house attic fan provides a continuous supply of fresh and clean air from the outside.
By opening up your home during the cooler hours of the day, the whole house attic fan can reduce indoor temperatures by a staggering 20°F, with a further 10°F cooling afforded by the gentle breeze that blows from room to room. So, not only are you enjoying the benefits of a much cooler home, but you are saving great amounts of money on your cooling bills. And every penny saved on electricity translates into an equivalent weight of carbon dioxide, which would otherwise be liberated into the Earth's atmosphere through the burning of coal necessary to generate that electricity.
Whole House Attic Fan: Addressing Global Issues
We, as a singular species, have recognized the importance changing the way we generate and use electricity. While we will always require some form of cooling technology in the hotter climates, we don't have to settle for technology that takes a heavy toll on both our wallets and the environment. The whole house attic fan offers comprehensive cooling solutions that enable the home owner to reduce energy consumption and benefit from the resultant savings. The whole house attic fan is addressing some very important global issues while enabling the home-owner to enjoy a much cooler and healthier living environment!
There is something very positive to be said about making our homes more energy efficient. While many people don't bother to implement the changes that are necessary to reduce our home's carbon footprint, the families that do are reaping peace of mind and much reduced electricity bills! One of the greatest users of energy in the home is traditional air conditioning. Unfortunately, there are some climates that just don't permit us the luxury of living without them and the exorbitant cooling bills they come hand-in-hand with. However, there are smarter cooling technologies that work far more efficiently AND at a fraction of the electricity required by traditional air conditioning. The whole house attic fan is a prime example of a very simplistic, yet powerfully effective cooling technology that runs at pennies per hour and is – home by home – helping us to reduce the environmental impact of our society and indeed, of our civilization.
Traditional Air Conditioning and the Whole House Attic Fan
Traditional air conditioning has long been the answer to the insufferable heat. While it keeps us cool and comfortable, this technology comes with its challenges, not least of all the exorbitant electricity bills. As it was said, air conditioning is one of the greatest users of energy in the home and this is something we need to change, especially with the effects of excessive carbon emissions becoming evident in global weather patterns. The whole house attic fan works quite simply by expelling the accumulation of heat in the attic of the home while at the same time, drawing in great volumes of cool, fresh and clean air through open windows and doors. While traditional air conditioning simply recycles the air inside your house over and over again – each time re-cooling it – the whole house attic fan provides a continuous supply of fresh and clean air from the outside.
By opening up your home during the cooler hours of the day, the whole house attic fan can reduce indoor temperatures by a staggering 20°F, with a further 10°F cooling afforded by the gentle breeze that blows from room to room. So, not only are you enjoying the benefits of a much cooler home, but you are saving great amounts of money on your cooling bills. And every penny saved on electricity translates into an equivalent weight of carbon dioxide, which would otherwise be liberated into the Earth's atmosphere through the burning of coal necessary to generate that electricity.
Whole House Attic Fan: Addressing Global Issues
We, as a singular species, have recognized the importance changing the way we generate and use electricity. While we will always require some form of cooling technology in the hotter climates, we don't have to settle for technology that takes a heavy toll on both our wallets and the environment. The whole house attic fan offers comprehensive cooling solutions that enable the home owner to reduce energy consumption and benefit from the resultant savings. The whole house attic fan is addressing some very important global issues while enabling the home-owner to enjoy a much cooler and healthier living environment!