How to Use AutoFill
- 1). Start Internet Explorer. This may be started with the "E" icon in your shortcut menu at the bottom of your screen, or you may need to click on the Windows Start button and then select "Internet."
- 2). Click on the drop-down arrow next to the word "Tools" on the far right side of your browser window. This will open up a menu of additional options.
- 3). Click on "Internet Options" in that menu. This will open up a new window with "Internet Options" in the title bar. There will be a number of tabs that appear in this window.
- 4). Click on the word "Content" in the tabs in the window. This will change the contents of the window to show options regarding content in your browser.
- 5). Click on the "Settings" button next to the word "AutoComplete." This will open another window with options for AutoComplete in your browser.
- 6). Select the options you desire for AutoComplete. You can turn AutoComplete on or off in this window for your address bar, for forms and even so that the web browser will remember your user names and passwords to various sites.
- 7). Click the "OK" button and your changes to AutoComplete options will be saved. The second time you attempt to fill in a form, enter a user name or type in the address bar, your previous option should appear.