What Kind Of Dog Allergies Treatment Options Are There?
Dog allergies are a common problem among pet owners, and for those who love dogs, this can be a rather inconvenient problem. Since nearly half of the households in the United States own a dog, even homes that do not have a pet can often be saturated in pet dander. However, dog allergies treatment options are available for those households affected.
This also happens with children, exposed at school to other kids who have dogs, which can trigger allergy attacks all through the day. However, there are dog allergies treatment methods that work, and ways that the person suffering from those allergies can limit their exposure.
The symptoms of dog allergies are very similar to normal allergies, which are sometimes called hay fever. They include itchy, watery eyes, coughing, stuffed up nasal passages and sneezing. Sometimes, the allergies present as reactions on the skin. These symptoms can be especially troubling for someone who has asthma.
So, what are the real causes of dog allergies? While there are many myths out there about how only long haired dogs cause allergies, or only certain breeds, the truth is that both short haired and long haired dogs can cause allergy attacks and all different breeds as well.
This is because it isn't fur that most people are allergic to, as it is commonly believed, but instead, it is the flakes of dead skin that fall off of the pet that can triggers. Also, sometimes dog saliva or urine can cause allergies as well.
The real problem is that the person with dog allergies has an immune system that is more sensitive to this type of allergen than other immune systems. Your body thinks that the dead skin - also called dander - is dangerous and it evokes an immune reaction. The symptoms that you experience is simply a side effect of the immune response.
Sometimes the symptoms associated with dog allergies are something completely different that mimics the symptoms. Because of this, you should see your doctor if you suspect that you have pet allergies. Your doctor will be able to tell you what it is exactly that you are allergic to, and what you can do to minimize your exposure or treat the symptoms.
As far as dog allergy treatment options go, there are many different options out there, and your doctor will be able to advise you what will work best for your allergy problem. You might have to go through a number of treatments for dog allergies in order to find an effective one, and you may not be able to get complete relief at all.
This also happens with children, exposed at school to other kids who have dogs, which can trigger allergy attacks all through the day. However, there are dog allergies treatment methods that work, and ways that the person suffering from those allergies can limit their exposure.
The symptoms of dog allergies are very similar to normal allergies, which are sometimes called hay fever. They include itchy, watery eyes, coughing, stuffed up nasal passages and sneezing. Sometimes, the allergies present as reactions on the skin. These symptoms can be especially troubling for someone who has asthma.
So, what are the real causes of dog allergies? While there are many myths out there about how only long haired dogs cause allergies, or only certain breeds, the truth is that both short haired and long haired dogs can cause allergy attacks and all different breeds as well.
This is because it isn't fur that most people are allergic to, as it is commonly believed, but instead, it is the flakes of dead skin that fall off of the pet that can triggers. Also, sometimes dog saliva or urine can cause allergies as well.
The real problem is that the person with dog allergies has an immune system that is more sensitive to this type of allergen than other immune systems. Your body thinks that the dead skin - also called dander - is dangerous and it evokes an immune reaction. The symptoms that you experience is simply a side effect of the immune response.
Sometimes the symptoms associated with dog allergies are something completely different that mimics the symptoms. Because of this, you should see your doctor if you suspect that you have pet allergies. Your doctor will be able to tell you what it is exactly that you are allergic to, and what you can do to minimize your exposure or treat the symptoms.
As far as dog allergy treatment options go, there are many different options out there, and your doctor will be able to advise you what will work best for your allergy problem. You might have to go through a number of treatments for dog allergies in order to find an effective one, and you may not be able to get complete relief at all.