Fatigue Symptoms and Its Causes
Most adult persons have been bothered by a condition called fatigue at least once in the course of their lives.
The most common fatigue symptom is the lack of strength of energy.
However, the term, fatigue is usually used ordinarily and has quite a lot of meanings.
Fatigue can also mean sleepiness or drowsiness, tiredness, lethargy, listlessness, malaise and also weakness, particularly muscular weakness.
There are times if it is hard for us to decipher and recognize what we are really feeling - whether we are tired, fatigued, weak or other debilitating conditions with other symptoms.
Nevertheless, any kind of common symptoms and bring about conditions of fatigue may indicate that you may be suffering from serious medication conditions and prompts medical investigation.
Several medical conditions may be considered as the cause of fatigue.
Other possible causes could also be identified by your physician.
So it is highly advised to consult with a doctor about your particular variety of fatigue symptoms.
More often than not, fatigue is caused by these following conditions: -Anxiety -Overexertion -Infections -Pregnancy in women Watch out for the medical conditions that commonly trigger various fatigue symptoms: oFlu oHepatitis oMononucleosis oChronic infection oViral infection oUrinary tract infection or UTI oAbdominal infection oLung infection oRheumatoid arthritis oTooth abscess oEndocarditis Diseases that can also result to fatigue are the following: oCertain types of Anemia oAddison's disease oPost viral syndrome oHypothyroidism There are symptoms that seemingly indicate fatigue but can also be akin to other conditions: oDrowsiness may be either a fatigue symptom or a sign that you were short of sleep the night before.
oWeakness can be a sign of fatigue, depending on two factors: physical or muscular weakness.
oSleepiness oTiredness oMalaise oListlessness oMuscle Weakness Many of the fatigue symptoms are individually triggered by certain possible causes.
There are about 462 possible causes for drowsiness, 244 possible causes of malaise, 200 causes of lethargy, 1 cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, 4 causes of severe fatigue, 8 causes of extreme fatigue, 23 causes of lack of energy, 20 causes of excessive yawning, 2 causes of daytime drowsiness, 1 cause of daytime tiredness, 3 causes of general discomfort and 9 causes of feeling under the weather.
The fatigue symptom, sedative effect's cause is already obvious.
You can undergo various diagnostic tests in order to determine fatigue.
This would depend on your medical practitioner's professional advice, of course and you must select judiciously.
-Undergoing physical examinations, like taking of blood pressure while lying down and after arising quickly to an upright position.
This is needed if you are probing into Addison disease as the cause of fatigue.
-Another physical examination is feeling lymph nodes to see there are an enlargement -Undergoing abdominal examination to see if there is an enlargement with the spleen or liver.
You can undergo through many other medical examinations that would help diagnose your condition thoroughly and guide you on the best possible treatment of your fatigue.
The most common fatigue symptom is the lack of strength of energy.
However, the term, fatigue is usually used ordinarily and has quite a lot of meanings.
Fatigue can also mean sleepiness or drowsiness, tiredness, lethargy, listlessness, malaise and also weakness, particularly muscular weakness.
There are times if it is hard for us to decipher and recognize what we are really feeling - whether we are tired, fatigued, weak or other debilitating conditions with other symptoms.
Nevertheless, any kind of common symptoms and bring about conditions of fatigue may indicate that you may be suffering from serious medication conditions and prompts medical investigation.
Several medical conditions may be considered as the cause of fatigue.
Other possible causes could also be identified by your physician.
So it is highly advised to consult with a doctor about your particular variety of fatigue symptoms.
More often than not, fatigue is caused by these following conditions: -Anxiety -Overexertion -Infections -Pregnancy in women Watch out for the medical conditions that commonly trigger various fatigue symptoms: oFlu oHepatitis oMononucleosis oChronic infection oViral infection oUrinary tract infection or UTI oAbdominal infection oLung infection oRheumatoid arthritis oTooth abscess oEndocarditis Diseases that can also result to fatigue are the following: oCertain types of Anemia oAddison's disease oPost viral syndrome oHypothyroidism There are symptoms that seemingly indicate fatigue but can also be akin to other conditions: oDrowsiness may be either a fatigue symptom or a sign that you were short of sleep the night before.
oWeakness can be a sign of fatigue, depending on two factors: physical or muscular weakness.
oSleepiness oTiredness oMalaise oListlessness oMuscle Weakness Many of the fatigue symptoms are individually triggered by certain possible causes.
There are about 462 possible causes for drowsiness, 244 possible causes of malaise, 200 causes of lethargy, 1 cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, 4 causes of severe fatigue, 8 causes of extreme fatigue, 23 causes of lack of energy, 20 causes of excessive yawning, 2 causes of daytime drowsiness, 1 cause of daytime tiredness, 3 causes of general discomfort and 9 causes of feeling under the weather.
The fatigue symptom, sedative effect's cause is already obvious.
You can undergo various diagnostic tests in order to determine fatigue.
This would depend on your medical practitioner's professional advice, of course and you must select judiciously.
-Undergoing physical examinations, like taking of blood pressure while lying down and after arising quickly to an upright position.
This is needed if you are probing into Addison disease as the cause of fatigue.
-Another physical examination is feeling lymph nodes to see there are an enlargement -Undergoing abdominal examination to see if there is an enlargement with the spleen or liver.
You can undergo through many other medical examinations that would help diagnose your condition thoroughly and guide you on the best possible treatment of your fatigue.