Who or What is Dragon Ball Z"s Cell?
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Episode 150: Up to Piccolo
Cell takes out Piccolo and moves to absorb Android 17.
Episode 151: Silent Warrior
Android 16 fights Cell and they discover that he has the power to regenerate.
Episode 152: Say Goodbye, 17
Cell absorbs Android 17 and transforms into a more powerful form. Tien steps up and begins fighting Cell.
Episode 153: Sacrifice
Tien is almost killed by Cell. Goku saves Piccolo. Trunks and Vegeta leave the training chamber.
Krillin gets the device from Bulma.
Episode 154: Saiyans Emerge
Vegeta and Trunks fly off to confront Cell while Goku and Gohan begin their training.
Episode 155: Super Vegeta
Vegeta confronts Cell and powers up beyond Super Saiyan form.
Episode 156: Bow to the Prince
Trunks recounts how he was inspired by Vegeta to be stronger during their training.
Episode 157: Hour of Temptation
Vegeta fights Piccolo while Gohan continues to train with Goku.
Episode 158: Krillin’s Decision
Krillin decides against using the deactivation device against Android 18 because he realizes he has fallen in love with her.
Episode 159: The Last Defense
Vegeta decides to let Cell absorb Android 18 so that he can fight Cell as his maximum power. Despite trying to escape, Android 18 is caught by Cell who powers up.