My Whirlpool Gold Ultimate Care II Washing Machine Leaks
- Water splatters on the exterior of the washing machine usually indicate a problem with the lid on a top-load Whirlpool Gold Ultimate Care II washer. Ensure the lid on the washing machine is securely shut. If the lid is open or won’t seal properly, water will leak from the lid during the agitation cycle and the washer likely won’t complete a full washing cycle. Replace a worn lid seal and gasket to prevent water from leaking out.
- If you discover water leaking behind your Whirlpool washing machine, a water inlet hose might have a small hole or crack, allowing water to escape. Inspect the cold and hot inlet water hoses for damage, such as swelling or a kink. Change out a leaky hose. As part of annual maintenance checks that you conduct on your washer, you should perform water inlet hose inspections to assess the hoses for wear, notes the Repair Clinic website. Nowadays, the hoses that come with washers usually last about five years before they should be replaced.
- You should never find water in the washtub of your Ultimate Care II washing machine when the washer isn’t in use. If you open the washer’s door or lid and see a puddle of water at the base of the washtub, the water valve didn’t close properly from the last washing cycle. The valve opens during filling to let water into the washtub, and should close after the washtub is full. Consult a Whirlpool washer technician to repair the leaky valve.
- Water leaking underneath the washing machine is a sign that the water pump is defective. The water pump pumps water from the washtub during the drain cycle and pushes it into the drain hose on a Whirlpool Gold Ultimate Care II washing machine. If the pump fails, the faulty component will drip water into the bottom of the washer’s cabinet that eventually will seep through the cabinet to the floor below the washing machine. Remove the outer panel of the washing machine to locate the pump. The pump will be positioned on one side of the drum near the rubber drain hose. Feel around the area where the pump is housed for water. If you feel any wetness, the pump is likely leaking and should be swapped out.
Leaking From Top
Leaking From Behind
Leaking From Inside
Leaking From Underneath