Pets Questions & Answers
A few ferret quiz?
Ive been wanting to buy a ferret for a few months now, it's NOT a spur of the moment thing.1. Can i nurture them steak or chicken i had for dinner, like little peices?2. Also can i put it in a 2 and a partly foot wide...
A few inquiries on my guinea pigs' diet?
Are there any fruits or vegetables besides potatoes that I shouldn't feed them?Can I feed them nuts or seed?Should I cut the cores out of apples before I put them in their salad?How often should I serve them salads and how big should they be?Is it a...
A few question around my exotic mini rex?
I just got a mini rex and when I leave him contained by his exercise pen he eats dead leaves[[its fall]]. Is this okay? He hasn't acted any different but just wondering. Also, whether I decide to show him in the spring/summer 4H will the yellow on...
A Few question give or take a few possums?
okay, so me and my family were having one of those unexpected conversations again, and we were talking about possums. Okay, so i own a few q's bout them-r they nocturnal?-do they hibernate in the winter?thanks! hn(o yeah, i realize that possums aren't pets, but i couldn't...
A few things in the region of a rat and a Kitten?
I use to have 11 rats, but due to the cost of food for all of them my mom made me get rid of 10 of them, have to beg to keep one T_T but to make up to me after I cried she get me a...
A Good Ferret Litter?
What is the recommended ferret litter that I should use? Specifics please and prices are at the bottom of the important list but it would be nice for it to be cheaper.
A honest chew toy? for my hamster? is it a good one for he teeth
A horse specifically hearty should you know how to see its ribs?
hi me and my boyfriend went and looked at a car yesterday, and there be a small area fenced in with barb lead and in the fenced area there be a small shed,a big pile of wood not neatly stacked but threw in there and a...
A horse tryed to bit me consequently then when i without being seen it and stayed contained by his stall he stopped do you know what .?
he was thinking? and any other time a horse wrapped me around he stretched is neck around me what does that mean?
A inside rabbit sound out?
i want to get a rabbit, but ill have to preserve it inside the whole time. since we live in an appartment and i cant build it a house, and its going to be winter soon so i wouldnt want it outside anyways. my grill is, what...
A intellect stumper ---how copious possums construct a pack of possums ?
2---- one in front and one in back ---you ll draw from this joke if you know what the possum represents ---( he look like a man)
A little ask in the order of cats?
Well this doesn't exactly apply ONLY to cats. This could include other animals too.But has anyone ever stopped to think give or take a few how cats behave around humans versus other animals? I mean my cat HATES the dogs in our house, and just give or...
A obedient entitle for a womanly albino ferret?
Hello. I have just adopted a 1 year out-of-date female ferret who is not white but albino. (White fur, pink/red eyes). She's relatively large compared to my two-year old feminine named Cider who was neglected by her previous owner. This albino is terrifically active but a little...
A press around rabbit poos?
Sometimes they are white. Since he is only 3 months old, I seldomly feed him vegetables and stick beside the pellets. When I DO give him veggies, though, I give him celery and brocolli. Why is his poo occasionally white? (He is a black rabbit so it...
A press something like a rabbit?
is a lionhead rabbit, prone to alot of diseases from other animals?
A quiz for adjectives hedgehog owners?
i want one so bad they are adorable.unfortunately, i am veryyy squeamish about bugs and whether i had one, i dont htink i'd feed it bugs. is that okay?
A rabbit ask: way of life?
My rabbit always runs in circles around me especially when i hike into the kitchen. He always follows me everywhere and head buts my hand lol. but why is he other following me and what does the running around in circles signify?
A sick Nigerian Dwarf goat?
She's a four-year-old doe, and was supposed to be pregnant. She began showing symptoms on Tuesday evening. She didn't join the troop to eat, which is very peculiar for her. She's one of those pushy, loud does that always get the first of the food. One ear...
A Simple Question roughly speaking rabbits.?
My rabbit is chewing on the cage a lot. It gets vastly annoying and keeps me up at night. We bought him some apple wood slices and some other things from the pet store. but, he still chews on the cage. What else can I do to...
A sound out in the order of horse slaughter.?
First of all, let me say I infer it sucks. It is way less humane than what any humane society does with thousands of cats and dogs everyday. ( I'm assuming adjectives those poor dogs and cats get a last meal.) I've read up on...
A stray cat come contained by my garden and i feed it tuna and milk...?
a cat came in my garden pawing at my rabbit so i get some tuna and the cat ate it and then i gave it some milk and the cat liked that as capably.Do you think the cat will come back? and if it does what else...
About cock-crow soap and fleas...?
I found that i can give my cat a bath with Lemon-scented Dawn soap which will give a hand repel or wtvr fleas. But I went to some different stores and not ONE had ANY lemon-scented Dawn soap, all the break of day was either lime, orange,...
About euthanizing a pet?
I just had to put my 14 year old golden retriever/samoyed cross dog down due to masses health issues. The vet inserted the needle directly into the heart and I'm wondering why he did that and if that be painful to my dog. I thought...
About how much would it cost me to buy a Chinchilla?
About how much are they and what would i have to buy for one if i were to buy one?
About rabbit again...?
I was wondering that how big would a month old rabbit be?PS: My rabbit's breed is Holland Lop.. Thanks...
Abused animals facilitate???
I went into a pet store two days ago to buy a beta fish. I walked into the store and went to the reptile and fish subdivision. I looked around at all the betas, there were in the order of 30 beta fish 1 in its own...
Adopting a husky surrounded by Maine?
I would like to find a husky puppy for me to adopt in Maine, USA. I don't really want to pay more than $1,000. I would prefer a white husky beside blue eyes, but it isn't essential. Can anyone help? Thanks!
Adopting elder rabbits?
i'm looking to adopt an older rabbit preferable somwhere in the eastern PA area any suggestions on where on earth to find one?
Advantage for flea control on my cat?
Have you ever used it? I gave my cat her first treatment, 12 days ago. It seems that it has worked, but i still find the peculiar flea on her everyday. I don't find any eggs, maybe one every few days ,does this mean the treatment is...
Advice almost ascetic crabs?
Okay I have two hermit crabs in a 5 gallon cistern. It has a section of sand and a section of rocks (green and small). Okay I looked surrounded by the tank today to check their water and food and in that were several little flying bugs...
More Pets Q&A Please visit :
Ive been wanting to buy a ferret for a few months now, it's NOT a spur of the moment thing.1. Can i nurture them steak or chicken i had for dinner, like little peices?2. Also can i put it in a 2 and a partly foot wide...
A few inquiries on my guinea pigs' diet?
Are there any fruits or vegetables besides potatoes that I shouldn't feed them?Can I feed them nuts or seed?Should I cut the cores out of apples before I put them in their salad?How often should I serve them salads and how big should they be?Is it a...
A few question around my exotic mini rex?
I just got a mini rex and when I leave him contained by his exercise pen he eats dead leaves[[its fall]]. Is this okay? He hasn't acted any different but just wondering. Also, whether I decide to show him in the spring/summer 4H will the yellow on...
A Few question give or take a few possums?
okay, so me and my family were having one of those unexpected conversations again, and we were talking about possums. Okay, so i own a few q's bout them-r they nocturnal?-do they hibernate in the winter?thanks! hn(o yeah, i realize that possums aren't pets, but i couldn't...
A few things in the region of a rat and a Kitten?
I use to have 11 rats, but due to the cost of food for all of them my mom made me get rid of 10 of them, have to beg to keep one T_T but to make up to me after I cried she get me a...
A Good Ferret Litter?
What is the recommended ferret litter that I should use? Specifics please and prices are at the bottom of the important list but it would be nice for it to be cheaper.
A honest chew toy? for my hamster? is it a good one for he teeth
A horse specifically hearty should you know how to see its ribs?
hi me and my boyfriend went and looked at a car yesterday, and there be a small area fenced in with barb lead and in the fenced area there be a small shed,a big pile of wood not neatly stacked but threw in there and a...
A horse tryed to bit me consequently then when i without being seen it and stayed contained by his stall he stopped do you know what .?
he was thinking? and any other time a horse wrapped me around he stretched is neck around me what does that mean?
A inside rabbit sound out?
i want to get a rabbit, but ill have to preserve it inside the whole time. since we live in an appartment and i cant build it a house, and its going to be winter soon so i wouldnt want it outside anyways. my grill is, what...
A intellect stumper ---how copious possums construct a pack of possums ?
2---- one in front and one in back ---you ll draw from this joke if you know what the possum represents ---( he look like a man)
A little ask in the order of cats?
Well this doesn't exactly apply ONLY to cats. This could include other animals too.But has anyone ever stopped to think give or take a few how cats behave around humans versus other animals? I mean my cat HATES the dogs in our house, and just give or...
A obedient entitle for a womanly albino ferret?
Hello. I have just adopted a 1 year out-of-date female ferret who is not white but albino. (White fur, pink/red eyes). She's relatively large compared to my two-year old feminine named Cider who was neglected by her previous owner. This albino is terrifically active but a little...
A press around rabbit poos?
Sometimes they are white. Since he is only 3 months old, I seldomly feed him vegetables and stick beside the pellets. When I DO give him veggies, though, I give him celery and brocolli. Why is his poo occasionally white? (He is a black rabbit so it...
A press something like a rabbit?
is a lionhead rabbit, prone to alot of diseases from other animals?
A quiz for adjectives hedgehog owners?
i want one so bad they are adorable.unfortunately, i am veryyy squeamish about bugs and whether i had one, i dont htink i'd feed it bugs. is that okay?
A rabbit ask: way of life?
My rabbit always runs in circles around me especially when i hike into the kitchen. He always follows me everywhere and head buts my hand lol. but why is he other following me and what does the running around in circles signify?
A sick Nigerian Dwarf goat?
She's a four-year-old doe, and was supposed to be pregnant. She began showing symptoms on Tuesday evening. She didn't join the troop to eat, which is very peculiar for her. She's one of those pushy, loud does that always get the first of the food. One ear...
A Simple Question roughly speaking rabbits.?
My rabbit is chewing on the cage a lot. It gets vastly annoying and keeps me up at night. We bought him some apple wood slices and some other things from the pet store. but, he still chews on the cage. What else can I do to...
A sound out in the order of horse slaughter.?
First of all, let me say I infer it sucks. It is way less humane than what any humane society does with thousands of cats and dogs everyday. ( I'm assuming adjectives those poor dogs and cats get a last meal.) I've read up on...
A stray cat come contained by my garden and i feed it tuna and milk...?
a cat came in my garden pawing at my rabbit so i get some tuna and the cat ate it and then i gave it some milk and the cat liked that as capably.Do you think the cat will come back? and if it does what else...
About cock-crow soap and fleas...?
I found that i can give my cat a bath with Lemon-scented Dawn soap which will give a hand repel or wtvr fleas. But I went to some different stores and not ONE had ANY lemon-scented Dawn soap, all the break of day was either lime, orange,...
About euthanizing a pet?
I just had to put my 14 year old golden retriever/samoyed cross dog down due to masses health issues. The vet inserted the needle directly into the heart and I'm wondering why he did that and if that be painful to my dog. I thought...
About how much would it cost me to buy a Chinchilla?
About how much are they and what would i have to buy for one if i were to buy one?
About rabbit again...?
I was wondering that how big would a month old rabbit be?PS: My rabbit's breed is Holland Lop.. Thanks...
Abused animals facilitate???
I went into a pet store two days ago to buy a beta fish. I walked into the store and went to the reptile and fish subdivision. I looked around at all the betas, there were in the order of 30 beta fish 1 in its own...
Adopting a husky surrounded by Maine?
I would like to find a husky puppy for me to adopt in Maine, USA. I don't really want to pay more than $1,000. I would prefer a white husky beside blue eyes, but it isn't essential. Can anyone help? Thanks!
Adopting elder rabbits?
i'm looking to adopt an older rabbit preferable somwhere in the eastern PA area any suggestions on where on earth to find one?
Advantage for flea control on my cat?
Have you ever used it? I gave my cat her first treatment, 12 days ago. It seems that it has worked, but i still find the peculiar flea on her everyday. I don't find any eggs, maybe one every few days ,does this mean the treatment is...
Advice almost ascetic crabs?
Okay I have two hermit crabs in a 5 gallon cistern. It has a section of sand and a section of rocks (green and small). Okay I looked surrounded by the tank today to check their water and food and in that were several little flying bugs...
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