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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical
Diet & Arthritis
Arthritis is an often painful condition that many people experience as they age. When over the counter pain medications no longer ease the pain, people seek other solutions that will help. Many turn to changes in their diet, which can be helpful in certain cases. However, there are a lot of myths ab
10 Percent Weight Loss May Relieve Arthritic Knee Pain
Biggest improvement seen with diet-exercise combo in 18-month study of older, overweight adults
What is Arthritis? More Truths About Arthritis
What is arthritis? This is a common question that many people ask about a disease that can be incapacitating. This is not an ordinary query about a simple health condition, because a lot of people commit mistakes in addressing this health problem.
Activity Induced Joint Pain
Are you exercising your way to painful joints? If you've spent much time in the gym, then you've very likely had your share of aches and pains. Some pain with exercise is a good thing.
Relieving Arthritis Pain Safely and Naturally
Want to know how you can relieve arthritis the natural way? Read on!
Ways Doctors Treat Gout
As you get older your body will begin to experience things that wears it down. If you do not take care of yourself properly you will suffer from many different things. One of the most common problems older people will experience is arthritis. There are several types of arthritis with gout being the
The Future of Treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis
An increased knowledge of psoriatic disease has stimulated the development of targeted biologic medications.
Cherries and Gout - Is There Really a Connection?
Research and studies have revealed a drastic decrease in the amount of uric acid production in individuals that consumed a single serving of cherries or cherry juice daily. It is suggested that the decrease in uric acid can be up to 15%.
Rheumatic Manifestations of Endocrine Diseases
Musculoskeletal complaints associated with endocrine disorders are common and have been well described. This review re-examines these associations in light of newer information on biology and genetics.
Prayer Helps Many Arthritis Patients
Prayer is among the alternative treatment options for arthritis. Typically, you think of herbs and supplements, acupuncture, massage and other common alternative treatments. Prayer is a very popular alternative treatment. For those who are believers, prayer can make a difference.
Is Your Surgeon Qualified for Minimally Invasive Surgery?
Some tips to help you find the right surgeon to perform endoscopic surgery.
The Emerging Role of Epigenetics in Rheumatic Diseases
What roles do epigenetics play in the pathogenesis of common rheumatic diseases?
Infliximab Monitoring Improves the Control of Disease Activity in RA
Does measuring infliximab trough levels effect therapeutic decisions and ultimately control of RA?
Garlic Cures for Arthritis
If you're new to folk and home remedies, the fact that garlic is such a popular home cure may come of somewhat of a shock to you. It's good from everything to reducing blood clots and heart attacks to curing arthritis. You can't go wrong if you eat a diet full of garlic.
When Men Get Rheumatoid Arthritis
For men, a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis tends to come later than in women if men downplay or ignore their symptoms. WebMD discusses why it’s important to catch the disease early, stay active, and keep with your treatment.
Arthritis and Magnetic Therapy
If your joints are killing you and you no longer can take the pain, then you probably suffer from arthritis. Arthritis is a disease which affects the joints and it manifests itself by paints at the levels of the joints and stiffness. Swelling may also appear and local heat may also appear in the aff
Arthritis - The Condition Explained Step By Step
Painful, and affecting 20% of the population, it is caused by swelling in the joints and bones. Though it can affect young people, most often, it is the onset of old age that sees the condition develop. Here is a quick guide.
Lupus Patients Exhibit Deficiencies of Endothelial Progenitor Cells
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are described to serve as a biomarker for CV risk. Since CV risk is seen in Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), would SLE be associated with altered EPC levels?
Arthritis Symptoms Information That You Ought to Know
Some of the common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, septic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. This article briefly describes the major symptoms of these arthritis types.
Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis
The book attempts to take the reader to complete understanding of rheumatoid arthritis and improve their circumstances.