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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
Want to Win Your Boyfriend Back? Here's What You Need to Do Make Him Fall in Love With You Again!
Did you end your relationship with your lover? In that case, you ought to be experiencing a great deal of pain right now. You could be feeling depressed, sad and miss him. You miss him as you want him back. You are deeply in love with him and want to win your man back.
Contention Is a Marriage Killer
Marriage is Gods course and in pursuing Gods course, there are certain things, attitudes, actions, thoughts and utterances we must avoid. In Gods course, there are things He has decried, "Thou shall not", those thing ...
Different Languages of Love
Are you unable to express your love? You cannot find the languages of love? Are you trying hard to get it but you can't? Don't worry. The solutions are very simple. It is true that everybody cannot express their love to their partner easily. But, there are different languages of love. Thes
How to Fill Out a Marriage Certificate
Marriage certificates are more than a piece of paper. Marriage certificates are a symbol of the connection and commitment you and your loved one made to each other. Commemorating your marriage day with a personalized certificate is one way to remember that special day. Customized marriage certificat
Simple Affections - 9 Acts of Love to Show Your Spouse
Do you ever forget to thank your spouse for something wonderful he or she has done for you that day?I remember driving home from a business trip and my wife and I were having a phone chat. Everything was fine then she mentioned this...
How Women Can Cope After Divorce
Surviving divorce has never been easy for anyone. If you are a lone woman trying to rebuild your life from the ruins of a marriage, it can be more difficult. And if you are the sole guardian of your child now, that makes it more tough.
Winning Through Giving - How to Use the Power of Giving to Create a Successful and Happy Marriage
A happy and successful marriage is one based upon each partner wholeheartedly giving to each. Here are 3 tips to help couples have a great marriage.
10 Signs Your Husband Can't Live Without You
Get a laugh when reading this list of signs that your husband can't live without you. Trust me, every man exhibits at least one of these traits.
Important Attributes About Love
After a beautiful sensuous evening the other night, I said to Drew, "You know how to play my body like an instrument." And he responded, "Yes, I just pluck the strings." What strings?
Help with Divorce: Tips on How to Handle Sadness
A divorce is often a very agonizing time. It is always tough to see that everything you worked for – every single thing that was once so fine and thrilling, excellent and true - has ended. People typi
Divorce, Recovery and a New Life
A divorce is extremely painful. What seems at the time to be a sorrowful end with no recovery possible can be viewed in time as the death that needed to occur so that you may have life and success in all spheres of life. I would not trade anything for what I have gained from my divorce. Read why!
Relationship Help: Transform Your Marriage With a Question
Therapists use questions to help clients develop insights and change unwanted behaviors. Learn how to use the power of questioning to build a stronger marriage/relationship.
Children and Divorce
It's a sad fact that nearly 50% of first marriages in countries like the US and the UK end in divorce these days with an even higher figure for second time marriages at around 60% ...
Surviving A Marriage After A Baby's Death
Marriages often struggle when there is some type of trauma involved.For this reason, we see divorce rates high for couples who have gone through job layoffs, illness, and especially after the loss of a baby.When a parent loses a baby to death, many different emotions are seen.As never before, it is
Want Men Want From Women
Understanding what men want from women when it comes to a relationship may not be as complicated as many women may think. If you have been in a relationship that didn't work out, and you most
Finance Tips for Newly Married Women
It may be every woman's dream to get married and to marry the man they love the most, but of course, marrying that man means that you will marry every bit of him as well. ...
My Husband Won't Say Why He Feels Our Marriage Is Over - How Am I Going To Save My Marriage Now?
I heard from a wife who said: "I will be the first to admit that our marriage isn't perfect. Because of our child's disabilities, we are constantly under stress. But I thought that we would always stick together for the sake of our son. However, my husband apparently doesn't shar
Marriage Jealousy - Dealing Effectively With the Green-Eyed Monster
Jealousy within a marriage is a powerful emotion that can lead one person to think irrationally about his/her mate. Clearly there are instances when jealousy is merited, but more often than not it is built on suspicion that lacks a substantive foundation. When unbridled, the words and actions of the
Dating Tips For A Divorced Dad
It is important to recognize that you are ready before beginning to date again. Certain opinions and preconceptions on your part may come out during conversations, and nothing drives a girl away more
How to Celebrate Your Wedding Day With Charms
Most grooms-to-be have the incredibly difficult job of trying to find that perfect gift for their bride that is traditionally given on the wedding day. Of course there is the wedding ring, but this is a gift above that one.