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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Why People Smoke When They Drink?

Smokers are either full-time full-pack-smokers or part-time social-smokers. If the social-smokers don't find smoking attractive enough usually, why does it seem lucrative enough during drinking?The an

Using Autohypnosis to Stop Smoking Cigarettes

This article looks at how to use autohypnosis to stop smoking cigarettes. It first looks at what hypnosis and suggestion are, goes on to discuss how to put oneself in a state conducive to suggestion, and then examines how to use this state to help give up smoking.

Success Guide to Help You Quit Smoking

With so many different health hazards and a growing number of social implications, it is becoming more and more popular to quit smoking.This habit is one of the biggest causes of preventable disease and death in the world.Luckily there are programs available...Read the rest of the article.

Quit Smoking Forever - Stop Smoking Now

Did you know that when you have kicked the habit for one year your risk of serious heart disease will have been brought down to half? This is something that is simply huge. You will be living a much healthier lifestyle and will be around your loved ones for many more years to come.

Smoking Facts - Addiction or Simply Habitual?

The question of whether smoking is an addiction or simply a habitual activity can give rise to much heated debate. Many smokers believe that smoking is just a habit and that they can quit smoking ...

Stop Smoking Permanently With Hypnotherapy

Many people want to forsake the habit of smoking, but not many are able to do that as they find it very difficult to overcome their old habit of smoking. Now, people who want to quit this dreadful habit can heavily rely on hypnotherapy. This method has been successfully used to eradicate the habit o

Quit Smoking - You Can Do It

Quit smoking, easy for people to say unless they have been there.Here are a few tips to consider when you are ready to quit smoking.In addition, remember, do not quit quitting, you will succeed one of these days.

Stopping Drinking Alcohol - How Important Is It?

Individuals who are suffering from bad case of alcoholism wonder at some point if stopping drinking alcohol is still possible for them. The answer to this is "yes". It is possible for any person, regardless of how severe his or her alcoholism is, to still get back on track and get rid of a

How To Avoid Gaining Weight When You Quit Smoking

One of the most common excuses smokers use to avoid quitting is the fear of gaining weight. This is a valid fear, because it does seem like many people who quit smoking put on a ...

What to do if You Fail to Quit Smoking the First Time

The saying 'old habits die hard' holds true for the attempts to quit smoking. Yes! It is a matter of common observation that despite sincere efforts, not many people are able to get rid of the habit o

Change in Phase From Cigarettes to E-Cigarettes

Cigarette smoking is highly injurious to health. There are many health related articles that support this statement. Not only written words in the form of articles but also many live and practical experiments in many ...

What is a Hookah Lounge?

Hookah lounges or bars, are public, commercial establishments where groups of people gather to smoke hookah together.

Alcohol Advice for the Holidays

It is easy to overindulge in food and alcohol during the holidays. For some people the overindulging is a result of attending more parties at this time of year. For others, the overindulging may come as an attempt to self-medicate for the extra loneliness they may feel at this time of year, often af