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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Asthma Treatment and Diagnosis
If you ever met anyone with asthma, an attack usually encompass a shortness of breath that soon passes without treatment. But it can also be a very life threatning event that can end up putting the sufferer in an emergency room. As of yet, there is no cure for asthma but there are various treatments
The Right Allergy Medicine for Allergic People
Several people all over the world suffer from different types of allergies.People are allergic to many things like dust mites, pets, food, medication or even environment. Many times people suffer slightly and have minor reactions of these allergies on them but many suffer so severely and got treatin
Ways to Relieve Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms
Many people have probably heard of dust mites, most people would probably think they are mites that eat dust. The author of this article will cover the following topics. What dust mites are, their favorite breeding environments, dust mite allergy symptoms, and ways of getting rid of dust mites, so a
Asthma Information - Symptoms, Causes, And Management
Asthma comes from the Greek word meaning panting. If you have ever had been around someone who is having an attack, it is a traumatic experience that leaves you feeling helpless.
Asthma Causes and Symptom
The various treatments of asthma only help alleviate the symptoms but rarely known to cure the disease. The disease completes its due course and may subside after a stipulated period of time.
Seasonal Asthma
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of seasonal asthma including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Spring Health
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of spring health including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
The Axitinib metastatic renal cell tumor activity
The Axitinib metastatic renal cell tumor activity Being studied drug axitinib (under development by Pfizer), in Phase II clinical study for metastatic renal cell tumor activity, the study, published i
My Coffee Shop Allergy
Something strange has begun to happen to me in coffee shops recently. I suspect it's something to do with all the latte and hot chocolate slurpers surrounding me on all sides, but what am I to do?
FDA: Food Labels Must List Allergens
The FDA is requiring food labels to clearly state if food products contain any ingredients that are derived from protein from the eight major allergenic foods.
Air Filters and How to Pick One
Choosing an Air Filter can be a challenge. Understanding the MERV Rating System will help you with this. Knowing what type of filter to buy can mean the difference between having good Indoor Air Quality and a healthier you.
Alternative Medicine and My Child's Asthma: Is It Safe?
Alternative medicine is increasingly used in the treatment of kids with asthma.
iPads Can Trigger Nickel Allergies in Kids
Report involving 11-year-boy points to a simple solution: an iPad case
Antibiotic May Help Asthma Attacks
The antibiotic Ketek helps people with worsening asthma, a clinical trial shows.
Chronic Asthma Treatment and Symptom Management
More than 17 million Americans suffer from asthma, with nearly 5 million cases occurring in children under age 18. In the United States, asthma causes nearly 5,500 deaths each year. Asthma doesn't choose its victims, it occurs in males and females of all ages, ethnic groups, and socioeconomic l
Guidelines for the Diagnosis & Management of Asthma
In October 2009, the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes Health released the latest version of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines on Asthma. The new guidelines stress the importance of controlling asthma and
Dog Breeds for Children With Allergies - What Is the Best?
Children love dogs. It is a fact. But what if yours also has allergies to dogs and can't be around them?
House Air Filters - Prevent Allergy Symptoms at Home
For your typical allergy sufferer, having the right kind of house air filter is critical. If you suffer from upper respiratory problems and even asthma, a good filter can make a world of difference in your home.
Managing Weed Pollen Allergies - 5 Strategies to Manage Weed Pollen Allergies
Weed pollen allergies are usually at their worst from mid August to November, and are triggered by pollen from weeds such as ragweed, curly dock, lambs quarters, pigweed, plantain, sheep sorrel, and sagebrush.All of these are incredibly prolific pollen producers and are light enough to be carried in