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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Global Warming May Up Allergies, Asthma
Global warming will likely worsen allergies by boosting plants and pollen, and also increase asthma through bad air, a new research review shows.
Rising Crisis of Asthma and Obesity -- Coincidence?
Growing Waistline May Account for Closing Airways
Dealing With Wheat Allergies
Wheat allergies are among the eight most common food allergies. However, when considered together with all kinds of allergies, it is not that common.Wheat allergies are a major cause of severe allergy symptoms, including asthma and anaphylaxis. Celiac disease is getting a lot of press these days. It
Even Thinking an Odor is Harmful May Spur Asthma Symptoms
Study finds people's negative expectations can play a role in flare-ups
Is This Holmes Air Purifier Good Enough?
When searching for low priced air purifiers it is hard to separate the good from the crap.
Allergies and Dust Mites - Get the Facts About Allergen-Impermeable Encasements
Over 50 million Americans suffer from allergies, many triggered by toxins in the air of our home. This article outlines the dangers that dust mites and other micro toxins have on our health and the ways you can protect yourself and your family.
What Causes Asthma? How Can I Treat Asthma? What About My Inhaler Use and Oral Thrush?
What causes Asthma?What is Asthma? How do I treat Asthma?How do I use my inhaler right?What is oral thrush?How do I treat oral thrush?A Pharmacy based blog explains all the patient wants to know about medication questions.Check out this article on asthma.
Symptoms of a Kid With Asthma
Each year, almost half a million kids wind up in the emergency room due to asthma. Of these, roughly 300,000 children are hospitalized for at least one day because of their asthma symptoms.
Military Requirements With Asthma
Military regulations state that asthma is a disqualifying diagnosis.medical equipment image by Chad McDermott from Fotolia.comIf you hope to enlist in the military and have been diagnosed with conditions of chronic asthma, including reactive airway disease, exercise-induced bronchospasms,...
Cough-Variant Asthma Treatment
Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition produces symptoms such as cough, breathlessness and wheezing. But in a certain group of asthmatic patients cough is their predominant complaint. This is known as cough-variant asthma, which is a dry, nonproductive cough that is virtually omnipresent without re
How to Cope With Allergies - Pollen Problems
Coping with allergies pollen related problems can make any outdoor lover want to gouge their eyes out when it comes to allergy season. Dealing with allergies pollen related issues can be a huge deal for those who love to work outside. When allergy season comes along, a person may long to go out and
Allergies: Avoiding Indoor Triggers
Allergic rhinitis results in symptoms of sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose. However, you can control these symptoms with medicine and by avoiding the things that cause them (allergens). If you are allergic to indoor allergens, such as dust mites, animal dander, and mold, you can take some ...
Asthma - Definition, Cause and Triggering Factors
Asthma is a condition caused by narrowing of the smaller airways.Symptoms of asthma include a cough, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath.Severity of asthma can be classified according to the duration and degree of symptoms.There are certain identifiable factors that make asthma worse.
How to Get Rid of a Sinus Cold - Nature's Cure For Sinus Cold
At the outset we should know what does a cold and a sinus cold means. Well, cold is caused due to viral infections while sinus cold is due to bacterial infection. So, how to get rid of a sinus cold?
MRT Testing Is Helpful For Food Intolerance And Sensitivity That Is Not Caused By Food Allergies
Certain foods, additives and chemicals are capable of triggering immune reactions that are not due to allergies. Chemicals mediators released by the immune system are capable of producing a variety of body reactions and symptoms. Avoiding foods that produce such reactions is suppose to resolve or at
How to Soothe Painful Asthma Attacks at Home
There are several measures which can be taken to soothe asthma and to prevent episodes of asthma attacks right at your own home, without spending too much. We first have to eliminate the possible factors involved in causing the allergic reactions primarily, in short making your home reaction proof.
Hay Fever and Congestive Catarrh
This article discusses hayfever and congestive catarrh and the naturopathic and homeopathic remedies which are on offer to the sufferer. Although modern pharmaceutical drugs can be effective at masking or reducing symptoms, nevertheless a natural approach can work well in conjunction and has the add
Alternative Treatment And Supplements For Asthma
For some people, asthma symptoms are unmistakable-like trying to suck air through a straw, they say. But not everyone experiences the severe wheezing that's considered the hallmark of the disease.
Allergies: Rush Immunotherapy-Related Information
A list of topics related to Allergies: Rush Immunotherapy.
Asthma Prevention Treatment
Asthma is a condition that cannot be cured, but it can be managed with the help of a physician. Once the diagnosis is made, your doctor may prescribe a combination of anti-inflammatory and rescue inhalers. But medications are only one facet of prevention and treatment of your symptoms. You should al