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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Seasonal Allergies - Winter and a Stuffy House
If you watch the news, you have probably read recently that the government is trying to encourage homeowners across the country to tighten their homes up by sealing up drafts, adding insulation and swapping out old windows and doors for new more efficient models. The program has been dubbed as, &quo
Asthma Action Plan: Red Zone-Credits
A list of contributors to the topic on Asthma Action Plan: Red Zone.
Allergic Reaction to Canola Oil
Canola oil is widely used as an inexpensive alternative to healthy cooking oils like olive, flax-seed or sunflower seed oils. Canola oil became available to consumers in the early 1980s, touted as containing large amounts of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Some consumers, however, have come forward in
Allergy Safety in School
While being dropped off at school, a child with allergies once said, "Is this the day I'm going to die?" Hearing that is like a dagger through the heart. Every parent of an allergic child not only wants their child to be safe at school, but also to feel confident.
Help for Eye Allergies
Red, itchy eyes? Try these treatments and self-help strategies from WebMD for relief of eye allergies.
Effects of Autoimmune Angioedema And Stress Angioedema!
The germs or disease of autoimmune angioedema and stress angioedema is spreading very quickly. The reason behind their fast growth is unawareness and carelessness. Being an expert in the field of skin diseases and treatment specialist, I am going to express my views and thoughts on these important t
How to Treat Chronic Clots With the Trellis System
Blood clots, such as the deep vein thrombosis (DVT), are dangerous and can be life threatening. This is because such clots may break apart and send smaller clots throughout the bloodstream. They can then block a blood vessel and cut off blood flow to the heart, lungs or brain. The treatment for this
Important Things You Need to Know About Allergic Shiners
Ever noticed dark circles round the eyes of your loved ones? They are not a pretty sight at all. And can be caused by loads of things that are not exactly working right with your body. Read on to know what causes allergic shiners and how to protect yourself and your loved ones from it.
Have Milk Allergies? New Study Has A Solution
Is your child lactose intolerant or allergic to milk? If so, by heating the milk, she may be able to drink it without experiencing the normal signs usually associated with lactose intolerance.
Seasonal Allergies
Allergy is a short-term inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the nasal passages. Seasonal allergies are commonly known as hay fever. Seasonal allergies are due to the exposure of airborne substances such as pollens from trees, grasses, flowers and weeds which appear only during certain tim
What Is a Pollen Press?
A pollen press is a simple device used to compress pollen and manufacture hashish (i.e. the concentrated resin from the flowering tops of female hemp plants e.g. Cannabis sativa or C. indica).
Asthma Drug May Be Fat-Burner Pill
A medicine used to treat asthma may also be a fat-burning drug, new research suggests.
How to Treat Asthma Using Asthma Symptoms
It may be true that asthma attacks can be very uncomfortable and scary, but once you already know that it is what you are suffering from, basing on the asthma symptoms, then treating it becomes a lot easier. Get to know more asthma symptoms here.
Allergy to Down Comforters
Many people have allergies and don't even know that they have them. They may know that they feel uncomfortable and may have attacks from time to time, but they really just aren't sure where their allergies are coming from.
What Are You Doing In The Yellow Zone?
Asthma treatment in the yellow zone has undergone updates. Make sure you are aware so you can talk with your doctor about your asthma action plan.
How Long Does It Take for a Poison Oak Rash to Heal?
Urushiol OilThe itching and scratching of poison oak is caused by urushiol oil, excreted by both the oak and its cousins poison ivy and poison sumac. Almost everyone is allergic to urushiol oil; when it gets on the skin, it causes itching, redness, swelling and terrible blisters....
Asthma and Acetaminophen
Over the past 30 years, we've been increasingly using medications for pain and fever, and the number of people developing asthma has also gone up. As a result, many doctors and scientists have wondered if a relationship exists between asthma and acetaminophen.
Have a Latex Allergy? Learn About Latex-Food Syndrome
Are you allergic to latex? If so, there is a good chance that you may also be allergic to at least one of a large group of fruits and vegetables that share similar proteins with latex. Find out about the latex-food syndrome and what should be done to diagnose this problem.
Signs & Symptoms of Wheat Allergy
An allergy is the immune system's method of reacting to an outside substance, perceived as a threat. The body can be allergic to any number of substances, including pollen, dander, plants and food.
Skin Tests Used to Find Causes of Allergy
One of the biggest problems with having pets in the home is the fact that so many people suffer an allergic reaction to them. Though when the allergy first appears it may not be obvious as to what is the cause and all possibilities need to be looked at before being certain that it is due to the pet.