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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Treating Sinus Headaches
WebMD explains the symptoms and treatment of sinus headaches, including decongestants, antihistamines, and nasal irrigation.
Relationship Between Mold and Infant Wheezing
Higher humidity and moisture content may increase the indoor concentrations of mold and house dust mite. Is there a relationship with asthma and wheezing in children?
Asthma Treatment Side Effects
Side effects of asthma treatments depend on the method of use, dosage and any underlying medical conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, pregnant women and young children may have more serious side effects from asthma treatments and may require frequent adjustment of drug dosage. Side effects of t
Taking Care of and Preventing Allergies
Allergies are a seasonal annoyance in which many suffer from. Here are a few tips to help you relieve some of those allergies and prevent them from happening in the first place.
Acupuncture May Help Ease Hay Fever
Study found patients who had treatment for 8 weeks fared better with symptoms
Trying Out a Gluten Free Diet
By definition, gluten is the protein contained in wheat, rye, and barley. Actually it is a mixture of two types of proteins - prolarmines and glutelins. Gluten is found in some types of food grains.
Medicines and Prevention Guide For Asthma
Over the last few years, medical science has discovered many new drugs to prevent attacks, as well as to control attacks when they occur. The first step that a physician takes is to assess the patient's asthma.
What is a UV Air Purifier Anyway?
UV air purifiers can reduce allergens in the air because the UV rays produced can kill most viruses. If you are an allergy sufferer, keep up on the latest technology about air purifiers. Lets clear the air.
Informed Consent- What is Informed Consent?
Informed consent is essential to participation in a clinical trial. What is informed consent? What should it consist of?
Hay Fever Facts
Hay fever usually starts developing while the sufferer is very young, particularly throughout the seasons when plant pollen gets released. At the beginning of early spring hay fever is caused by plant pollen and at the end of this season to the beginning of summer it is usually dust.
Columbus Asthma Society: Offering best treatment to Asthma and Allergies
Asthma is a non-curable disease in which bronchi in the lungs is blocked causing problems while breathing. This disease can be controlled by taking help from an expert, avoid known factors like dust,
Allergies and Natural Remedies
Nearly 75 million Americans have allergies that are evoked by everything from plants, to insects, to food to season changes and even prescription medicines.Flowers, pollen, trees, bees, and spider bites are a few of nature's ways to incite allergic reactions.Foods like bananas, melons, beans, p
What You Must Know About Natural Allergy Remedies
Looking for the truth behind natural allergy remedies?Then this article is for you!
Baby Acetaminophen Tied to Asthma
Babies who get acetaminophen -- Tylenol is one brand -- in their first year of life have an increased risk of childhood asthma.
Nintendo And Its Use Of Pulse Oximeter Technology
Being the pioneer in gaming systems means that you are truly ahead of the game when it comes to bringing out new gaming technology. Nintendo has been the leader in the gaming world for decades and today has the highest selling gaming system in the entire world - Wii.
Perennial & Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to airborne allergens that typically cause nasal and eye symptoms. About one in five Americans suffers from the common condition, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Allergic rhinitis can be perennial, causing symptoms year-round, or seas
Asthma New Treatment - Develop Your Own by Watching Your Diet and Breathe Correctly
If what you're currently doing to treat your asthma isn't working well enough then you should try to watch your diet carefully and make sure you breathe correctly. Having asthma can be very frustrating because it's often difficult to find a cure or at least a way to help relieve your
How to Treat Asthma at Home
Except for the severe attack that mandates hospitalization, this article will only cover mild attack of asthma that can be handled at home. When you feel an asthmatic attack coming on just follow these simple steps.
Early Weight Gain Asthma and Atopy in Children
Learn more about the comorbid connection between weight gain and asthma in infancy.
Description of Asthma
Although asthma-related deaths are slowly decreasing, asthma is still a life-threatening condition if not managed properly. According to the American Lung Association, Florida has the lowest prevalence of asthma at 6.2%, while Maine has the highest prevalence at 10.3%. It is estimated that in 2007,