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Hobbies & Science : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How to Turn Saltwater Into Purified Water
According to Free Drinking Water, only one percent of fresh water is available on planet Earth for humans to consume, while two percent is frozen and 97 percent is saltwater. With such a small amount of consumable water in the world, the ability to convert saltwater to purified drinking water is a s
How to Identify Polar Graphs
Scientific investigation involves the testing of a hypothesis by performing experiments and collecting data. Data is typically represented in a table format, but this makes it difficult to identify trends. A graph is a visual way of representing data, and there are different types, depending upon th
How to Detect Fake Cuban Cigars
President John F. Kennedy imposed a trade embargo on Cuba in February of 1962. This move was meant to make life difficult for Fidel Castro and his Cuban communist party, though the embargo remains in effect to this day. One of the many side effects of this trade embargo was the illegalization of all
Chainsaw Sharpener Tools
There are several tools to sharpen chainsaws, from pure hand-sharpening to bench-mounted, motorized workshop sharpeners. Some are well suited for sharpening in the field; some are well-suited for the workshop. Chainsaw chains have several kinds of links. Tie-straps, drive-links and rivets aren't cut
How to Build a Rat Trap With PVC Pipes
Keeping rat populations under control is important for sanitation and hygiene. For an effective and humane method of removing rats from an area, it is best to capture the rats live. This way you can release them somewhere far from human habitation or kill them instantly and painlessly without the ri
How to be Successful Panning for Gold
Manipulating gold ore in the bottom of a flat pan to separate gold from debris takes more than nimble fingers and wrists. There are techniques to use to be successful panning for gold. Making the decision to prospect is easy, but many new prospectors find that panning for gold is harder than they th
Gold Leaf Projects for Children
Children will enjoy creating crafts with gold leaf.Don Farrall/Photodisc/Getty ImagesGold leafing adds sparkle and a splash of color to any art project. Dutch gold leaf sheets are kid-friendly, allowing your children to help with elegant, uncomplicated crafts for around the house. Your...
How to Calculate Sling Load Capacity
When lifting a heavy load with a sling loader, you need to calculate the sling load capacity that the load requires. This will depend on the weight of the load, how many legs will be supporting it, and the angle of those legs. With that information to hand, the required sling load capacity is easy t
Landscape Timber Ideas
Landscape timbers can be used to make wood projects for your home or garden. Planters, outdoor seating and wishing wells are a few of the projects you can make using landscape timbers. The wood is already treated for outdoor use, so think outside the box to discover other ways you can...
How to Make a Piece of Clay Float
The principles of buoyancy may be too complicated for very young children to grasp, but you can demonstrate the properties with a ball of modeling clay. Your kids will be thoroughly amazed that an object that would ordinarily sink in water can be made to actually float on top of it, simply by changi
About Sand
Sand occurs naturally at the bottom of lakes, rivers and oceans. When it accumulates in piles, sand dunes form at the edges of beaches and large lakes such as the famous dunes on the eastern side of Lake Michigan. It has many industrial and recreational uses. Most recently, sandbags are being used t
How Does a Topographic Map Indicate the Kind of Climate?
Without statistics of precipitation, temperature and other meteorological measures, a topographic map has limited use in determining the portrayed area's climate. But the map's depiction of terrain and land cover can suggest some climatic characteristics.
How to Make a Fiberglass Bow
Making a fiberglass laminated bow can be a long, difficult process. The results are rewarding, though, as expertly crafted bows can be honed endlessly to perform as desired. Also, the combination of fiberglass on wood can be very beautiful. If you have any woodworking aspirations, bow making is a gr
How to Embellish Sandals With Beads
Embellished sandals for summer can be expensive in designer boutiques. You can make your own for much less money---and have fun doing it. Pick colors to coordinate your outfits and beads of different sizes and shapes. It's also a good craft for children to do at a party or church gathering.
5 Most Important Recording Tools
In many home studios, computers and software have taken the place of sound boards and racks of signal processors. This development has made it possible for amateur musicians to record their own music and to sell it commercially. In fact, you might have half of what you need for a home studio, and th
How to Use Amateur Radio Equipment
Amateur radio equipment allows a licensed ham radio operator to communicate with other operators through radio waves. Depending on the frequency band used, operators can talk from around the block to around the world. Setting up an amateur radio station is a challenge. There are many components to b
How to Line Up Planer Blades
Tungsten carbide blades are standard equipment in many planers. They are different from high-speed steel blades, in that they can't be sharpened. Tungsten carbide blades need to be carefully positioned. Planer blades come in pairs and should be replaced and lined up in pairs to avoid any vibration w