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Hobbies & Science : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Gold Eagle Facts
Most people are familiar with the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States. However North America is also home to Aquila chrysaetos, a name literally meaning “golden eagle” in Latin and Greek, according to The Peregrine Fund. Golden eagles are swift raptors that have significan
DIY Boat Rack for a Truck
You can build a standard boat rack for your pickup truck, which can accommodate a row boat, canoe or kayak. Although you can purchase a boat rack at any major chain hardware store, building your own requires just a few steel pipes and some welding equipment. A boat rack will secure your boat to keep
How to Varnish With a Rag
Varnish is an old-school finish that is still in use today. It consists of natural plant resins, drying oil and solvents. Varnish is used on woodworking that is exposed to water such as in marine applications, and it can also be used on stairs or hardwood floors. Varnish takes far longer to dry than
How to Measure Inductance of a Coil
Inductors are sometimes wound by the user instead of bought. In such cases, the inductance would not be stamped on the side but instead may need to be found empirically. The best way to measure inductance for an inductor like a coil (solenoid) is to use an inductance bridge or meter. If you have n
How to Calculate How Many Protons There Are in Atoms
The subject of atoms and elements can be somewhat daunting, but it is simpler than it appears. An atom is defined as an element based on that atom's number of protons, electrons and neutrons. Understanding protons is the first step in better understanding how atoms and elements work. Determining the
What Causes Fossils?
Fossils, Latin for "having been dug up," represent the remains and traces of plants and animals. These remains can be preserved within a number of materials, including rock, ice, tar and amber. Fossils can also be preserved in a variety of ways, including mummification, skeletons and shells, petrifa
Suggestions on Building a Water Bottle Rocket
Shooting off water bottle rockets is a fun and educational way to experience the physics of rocket launching. It's the safer alternative to its more explosive cousin, the model rocket, and, best of all, it can be made entirely from household materials: 2-liter soda bottles, foam-board fins and a pos
How to Make the Desk Tray on My Computer Expandable
The notification area in the Windows Taskbar provides an easy way to manage, launch, and configure programs and their properties. In addition, the notification area will display status and alerts for your software and operating system. There are two main ways to display these icons in the taskbar. T
How to Engrave Whiskey Glasses
Drinking whiskey from the right glass can enhance your taste experience, since the best whiskey glasses are designed to hold in the drink's flavor and aroma. Whiskey glasses, including the tumbler and the the tulip-shaped glass, are valuable collector's items. You can add a personal touch to your f
How to Bend Acrylic Pipe Stems
You may need to bend your acrylic pipe stem if your pipe gets too hot, such as a pipe that is left in a car in the summer, or if the current stock bend simply doesn't suit you. Once you heat the stem, you form the pipe to the desired bend just like you shape vulcanite pipe stems.
How Does Weathering Happen?
Weathering isn't the result of a single event; it's the result of a set of natural events. Unless an object is sheltered, nature acts upon it. It acts upon things physically and chemically. Nature does not, however, weather all things equally. Whether an object is man-made or organic, its unique cha
How Can You Save the ChickenCow Armor in "DragonFable"?
The ChickenCow Armor is an extremely rare piece of equipment in the online RPG "DragonFable." Originally seen as a joke item, the ChickenCow armor was not an item you could keep in your inventory. Due to positive fan reaction, once the armor is obtained, it now becomes a permanent item in your inven
How to Clean Amethyst Geodes
Amethyst is a brilliant purple quartz crystal, valued for its vivid color and beauty. Amethyst geodes, which are usually broken into two halves to display the purple crystals within, typically have many small crevices where dirt may get trapped. If the amethyst geode has been left on a dusty shelf,
How to Inlay Mother-Of-Pearl
A mother of pearl (also called "nacre") inlay is a beautiful accent for a fine wood craft. Mother of pearl is an organic compound that is created by mollusks as their inner shell. It is also what makes up pearls. The iridescent shine and vibrant colors of mother of pearl make it a popular
How to Calculate Terminal Velocity in a Fall
When an object falls through air, there are two opposite forces acting on it: the downward force of gravity and the upward force of drag. When these two forces are equal, the object stops accelerating and has a constant velocity. This velocity is referred to as terminal velocity. If you know an obje
Traditional Decorating With Palm Trees
Palm trees are reminiscent of vacation locales because of their association with sandy beaches. Using palm trees with traditional decorating help you create the look of a vacation home that reminds you of past vacations. Palm trees can work as exterior and interior decorations. Use the actual plants
Grandfather Clock Repair Instructions
Grandfather clocks are great additions to your home and can last for centuries. These timepieces have established a reputation of longevity and durability and usually require very little maintenance. Nonetheless, grandfather clocks are complex mechanisms and eventually will need some repairs. Fort
DIY: High Frequency ARC Welder
An arc welder is great to have around, whether you are a professional metalworker, an around-the-house handyman or an aspiring sculptor. Arc welders can be used to cut, shape and connect metal for a variety of projects and, best of all, an arc welder doesn't have to drain your bank account. If you h
Motor Controls Tutorial
The control of a motor can essentially be broken down into starting and stopping the motor, controlling its speed and direction and protecting it from overcurrent or overvoltage conditions. Many control devices can be used to ensure the safe, reliable operation of motors.
What Makes a Delta Different from Other Landforms?
River deltas are formed where rivers drain into large bodies of water. As a river approaches the larger body of water, its flow slows. As energy is lost, silts and other sediments carried in the river water drop out, forming the delta. The river forks and meanders over time over the relatively fla