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Health & Medical Insurance : Insurance
Health Insurance in India
Health is a precious commodity. One that must be guarded. As certain as we are about protecting our health, there is no predicting when we may fall sick or be diagnosed with a critical illness. ...
A Little Alcohol Overseas Could Invalidate Your Patriot Travel Insurance Claim
The study of American association of independent insurance brokers and agents (IIABA) has confirmed that most of the USA's top level travel insurance companies are cracking down on travel alcoholism by including more strict alcohol ...
Medical Coverage for Youths: Best Health Insurance for a Healthier Future
As children grow older, adolescence increase and diversifies their risk behaviors, but they also increase their ability to recognize the need of their health care and the consequences of negligence. A healthy youth contributes to ...
Find the Best Health Insurance Coverage
In the modern context, health insurance coverage is an indispensable part of living as the individual's health is probably the most important aspect of his life. This entails that the health insurance coverage premium is ...
Tennessee Medicare Tips and Ideas
When in Tennessee you will most probably be looking for lasting solutions for your medical needs and this means finding a plan that takes care of your health while providing you with all the benefits. ...
Cheaper Health Insurance Rates
Most people or rather all people today are looking for an insurance coverage company that offers you a lower rate. Especially health insurance plan which is one of the most important types of insurance coverage ...
What Is the Difference Between HMO & PPO?
HMOs (health maintenance organizations) and PPOs (preferred provider organizations) are two popular types of managed health-care plans. Each has its pros and cons, and each has its champions and detractors. Both serve a useful purpose in providing a health-care safety net for those they insure. Howe
What’s It Like to Stay in a Fisher House?
Is your loved one a wounded or seriously ill service member? Need a lodging near the hospital? Learn what it's like to stay in Fisher House lodging.
Types of Health Insurance in the USA
Health insurance plans have different types of coverage when it comes to medicine.medikamente image by Daniel Fuhr from Fotolia.comFive major types of health insurance are available in the U.S. These include traditional health insurance; Health Maintenance Organizations, or HMOs;...
Medical Codes: What Are ICD-10 Codes & How Do They Work?
Learn what ICD-10 codes are, how they’re made, and what they’re used for. See examples of how ICD-10 medical codes used in medical billing work.
What Health Insurance Do You Qualify for If You Are Retired?
When you retire, you have several options for health insurance. As you get older, having health insurance becomes increasingly important. Old age often brings with it health issues. At a time in your life when you are no longer working and no longer have the opportunity for significant increases in
How to Get Cobra Health Insurance in Texas
Congress passed the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) in 1986 to allow unemployed people to keep their employer-provided insurance coverage for up to 18 months if the employer has at least 20 employees. If you live in Texas and are eligible for COBRA, as in the rest of t
Example of a Business Plan for a Small Business
According to, an effective business plan is comprised of five major elements: executive summary, business overview, market analysis, financial assessment and management overview. Itself a guide useful in determining the direction of a business, a business plan also serves as a criti
Massachusetts Regulations Governing COBRA
Under the U.S. Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA), employers with 20 or more workers are required to offer a temporary extension of their sponsored health insurance plans for certain events, such as an employee losing a job. The state of Massachusetts' small group continuation of covera
Are Individual Health Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible?
Health care insurance premiums are a major expense for many people and the costs keep going up year after year. In some cases, you might be able to save at least some of that expense by taking a deduction for the money you spend on health insurance premiums and other medical costs.
The Federal Health Insurance Act of Switzerland
Switzerland's Federal Heath Insurance Act, passed in 1994, requires all residents to purchase health insurance. Each person shops among the roughly 90 government-regulated plans. The Swiss pay for plans individually, unlike Americans who generally share the cost with employers.
Federal Guidelines for Health Savings Accounts
A health savings account (HSA) is a type of account that can be used in conjunction with a high deductible health insurance plan to limit your out-of-pocket expenses. If you choose to use this type of account, you will have to abide by the rules set forth by the federal government.
Illinois Cobra Laws
You may be able to keep your health insurance through image by Aleksandr Popov from Fotolia.comCOBRA is the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), a federal law, that gives employees who have lost their group health insurance the option of continuing it for a...
HCFA 1500 Form Instructions
When a person required medical attention, physicians filled out a HCFA 1500 claim form for billing to the insurance company. Since December 17, 2007, the HCFA 1500 claim form was replaced with a CMS 1500 claim form due to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act requirements. These re
Medical Billing Accredited Review
Medical billing classes are often taught at accredited schools such as Kaplan University, Ashworth University, and at a variety of other universities and colleges. It is very important that if you're going to pursue a ...