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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
How to Cut Your Dogs Nails
The hardest part of dog grooming is cutting your dogs nails. In this article a professional groomer is going to show you how to easily accomplish it. How to cause your dog to get used to it so that he stops fighting you every time you try to trim his nails.
How to Build a Large Dog Kennel
Do you want to build a large dog kennel but you don't know how to do this? In order to successfully build and create the dog kennel you should set up a building plan.
Leave "Max" at the Movies
The movie "Max" celebrates a Belgian Malinois war dog. As with other films, this one is bound to send people flocking to breeders for one of these dogs. But the Malinois is not for everyone! Learn why, and if you should consider one for your home, in this article.
How to Prepare for a Labrador Puppy
Adopting a puppy into the family can be a joyous venture. Adopting a Labrador puppy is even more exciting. As a breed, the Lab is gentle and intelligent, known to be a loyal, family dog. According to the American Kennel Club, the Labrador retriever has remained the most popular dog for nearly two de
Stop Doberman Aggressive Behavior Before It Starts
Dobermans were bred to be aggressive toward any perceived threat. Fear, pain or lack of training can contribute to their natural aggression. Early training, socialization and rewarding calm behavior are the keys to preventing aggressive tendencies.
Why Is My Dog Barking?
Why is my dog barking? Barking to a dog is how he communicates his message to the world, but where the problem lays is that sometimes we can't understand what he's trying to say so in this article we hope to break down that barrier to open up the lines of understanding to what the barking
Top Five Places Your Dog Wants to Go on Vacation This Summer
Once upon a time, human travel plans meant lonely hours or unpleasant kennel stays for dogs but today they can go on vacations right alongside their non-canine companions. Here are your pooch's top vacation picks for this summer.
Hypoallergenic Dog Food Diet
Much like their human friends, dogs often suffer from the food they eat. Frequent gas, diarrhea, chronic ear infections, bald spots, foot chewing and scratching are some of the symptoms of dog food allergies. Hypoallergenic dog food diets--special diets free from substances likely to trigger canine
How to Build a Dog Fence With Wood
Are you tired of having to take your dog out on cold mornings? Have you ever considered biding a wood fence for your dog? This is a good way to keep him safe as well as keep you warm in the winter.
Buying and Taking Care of a New Puppy
What are the right steps when buying a new puppy? And once you buy, how do you make sure that you are raising and taking care of your dog correctly. Here's a simple, straightforward guide for the new owner.
Labrador Retriever Dog Profile
Learn about the characteristics of the Labrador Retriever and discover why Labradors are one of the most popular dog breeds. Find out what to expect from a Labrador Retriever and decide on whether this breed of dog is right for you and your home.
Tips on House Training a Puppy
Most experts agree that bringing a new puppy into the home at the age of 7 weeks will make training and socialization a lot easier. If you wait until the puppy is 12 weeks of age or older you will be challenged with breaking habits the dog may have already formed that are unacceptable to living insi
Housebreaking Your New Puppy
Among the responsibilities of ownership is the need to house train your new puppy. Here are some tips of how to modify her behavior - and your own - so that messes are deposited outside the house, where they belong.
Dog Owners That Care Need Dog Stairs
Do you have a dog that has trouble reaching certain areas such as your car or furniture because they are either too small or unable to jump very high? If so, a simple solution to your problem is to provide your dog with stairs that will allow him/her to move freely and with ease to all of those hard
What to Do If a Dog Is Vomiting Up His Food?
A dog can get sick much like humans, for a variety of reasons, including allergies or a bad stomach bug. Until you have figured out the exact cause of vomiting, try not to panic but assist your dog. Vomiting could be associated with a health problem, so do call your dog's veterinarian because it may
Answers for Frequent Questions About Bark Collars for Dogs
If you are having problems with the excessive barking of your dog, then you surely have thought to buy a bark collar for your pet. The problem is that there aren't actually a lot of answers for all of your questions. You don't have to trouble yourself anymore with such issues because here
How to Become a Dog Trainer in Ontario
Becoming a dog trainer in Ontario takes time, patience, and dedication. There's more to being a successful trainer than having a love and passion for dogs; you must be experienced in dog behavior, knowledgeable about first aid for both humans and dogs, and skilled in behavior modification. Learning
Selecting a Dog
Just because a puppy is cute doesn't mean it is going to be right for your family. When selecting a dog, make sure you not only base it on a puppy's cuteness, there are many more things to consider when selecting a dog who will fit in to your home Be careful of getting too attached to a pu
Characteristics of the Male Chihuahua
Chihuahuas are said to be the smallest breed of dog and aptly named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. Their height typically ranges from 6 to 10 inches and they weigh between 2 and 4 pounds, with their weight not exceeding 6 pounds. Chihuahuas are referred to by their head shape, either apple
Training Your Dog to Come
Training a young dog to come when told to starts off perfectly. The dog learns his name and that humans use it when they desire give her something fun like dinner or a brand new toy, so he runs to it. Your dog will soon learn that it is not a great world.