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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
First Dog? Prepare Your Child!
There is so much more to owning a dog than just picking the one with the pretty eyes and floppy ears. If you are searching for the perfect dog for your child or children, there are several factors you should consider before making that long term commitment.
What is Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs?
Whether you have recently brought an older dog into your home or you have just adopted a puppy, you are going to find that you are in a place where you should read up on some of the illnesses and conditions that are common to dogs. One of the issues that might affect your dog is intervertebral disc
Allergen Free Dogs
If you want to own a dog, but you suffer from allergies, there are allergen-free dog breed choices that are an option for allergy sufferers. Allergen-free dog breeds vary, and all are not compatible with every person that suffers from allergies. Accordingly, you will have to do some research to find
The Ultimate Fishing Pal
My favorite fishing companion has never complained, has always allowed me to fish without reprimand, has helped point out rising trout, and has never wanted to leave a fishing trip early due to boredom or plans back home. His name is Zeke. He's a chocolate Labrador retriever.
Why Do Dogs Chew Everything?
That is a good question with a relatively simple answer. Dogs chew to learn.
Is Your Dog Left Alone All Day?
You wouldn't leave a young child alone in the house, would you? Then why would you leave a puppy or young dog in the house for hours at a time? Many people do it and it's not fair to the dog or the family.
Safety Issues and Your Pets New Dog House
Our pets are part of the family, in many cases they are the ones who run the show. We love them and they love us back unconditionally. Our job is to keep them fed, healthy, happy and safe. Some attention, good food, water and some exercise (which does us a lot of good too) will take care of most of
Training A Dog To Sit, A Very Important Command
Training a dog to sit is one of the most common lessons that dog-owners teach their pet. The command "sit" is generally for making a dog stay put in the sitting position, and it is one of the most basic tricks that a dog can do. Once a pet-owner has finished training a dog to sit, he will
Agility Training for Dogs in Southern California
Training your dog for agility is a fast-paced, fun, energetic experience. However, starting out on your own in the agility world can be quite intimidating. In Southern California, resources abound in order to ease you into the wild and exhilarating sport of canine agility.
Benefits of a Good Dog Food
Did you know that there are benefits to feeding your dog a good type of food? Sounds like common sense, right? What many people do not realize is that different types of dog foods are good for different dogs.
Beginner Steps To Train a Dog, Learn to Train a Dog
Dog training is a very important and sometimes over looked part of training a dog. Follow these three simple steps to educate your dog how to behave in your household.
Be Your Dog's Dentist
Do not use tooth paste designed for humans on your dog. The fluoride and other chemicals can cause serious harm to dogs.
Breed Profile: Labrador Retriever
Find out about Labrador Retrievers and why it is such a popular breed, including appearance, personality traits, history and health problems.
How to Teach a Border Collie to Roll Over
Border collies are considered one of the best of the herding dog breeds and especially suited for herding sheep. They are known for their intelligence, strong work ethic and athleticism. Border collies are happiest when they have a job to do. Training these dogs and teaching them tricks can keep the
Boxer Dog Information
The Boxer is a German breed of dog and belongs to the working dog category. They are large dogs and have been used in many roles starting from being guard dogs to therapy dogs. Although there is only one recognized breed of Boxers in the world there are subtle variations in dogs from different count
Dog Seat Belt Harness - Do Not Risk Your Life, Life Of Your Passengers Or Your Dog
Should Your Dog Wear a Dog Seat Belt Harness in the car?Protect your dog! Your dog deserves the same protection as you and your family members. In an accident, a dog can be thrown with hundreds or even thousands of pounds of force into other passengers of the car, easily causing life threatening inj
Why Dogs Bark - Dog Barking Sounds
Why do dogs bark? They do it for many reasons but the most common one is for communication. It can also be a sign of dominance, an aggressive warning, a way of getting attention or protecting his territory. However, excessive barking is a dog problem.
Diarrhea in Dogs and Pepto Bismol
Canine diarrhea is a condition that causes loose, watery stools in dogs. There are many possible treatments for diarrhea including fluid therapy, change of diet and even medications such as Pepto Bismol.
Do Labradors Make Good Companions?
There are different reasons why people can have dogs; they can have dogs because they like them or because they want guard dogs, as playmates for their children, or as a garbage disposal, to provide companionship or as therapy dogs. Why people sometimes even have dogs simply because somebody dumps t
Dog Obedience Schools - Teaching Dogs the Right Way to Behave
Dog obedience schools are located in cities all around the world. The focus of these schools is to teach animals how they need to behave in everyday situations and also teach them basic tricks and commands. They can be very helpful to those owners that can't control their pet or the situation o