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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Designer Pet Carriers For Your Designer Pet
You have designer tastes, and why should your pet be any different?For the pets that appreciate the finer things in life, designer pet carriers are a great way for them to stand out in a crowd while pampering their every needs.Designer pet carriers come in a wide variety of options and so you are su
What Are the Treatments for Dog Dandruff?
Keep your dog groomed.Two Dogs image by ziggyhendry from Fotolia.comJust like humans, dogs can develop dandruff--an accumulation of dry skin that builds up and flakes off. All dogs develop flaky skin on occasion, but some dogs have trouble with dandruff, sometimes as a result of poor diet...
Labrador Retriever Puppy Training
Labrador retrievers are the dog who love to play and are very energetic during childhood and as full grown dogs too. They are a most friendly breed of dog that is liked by the people and they are eager to please us and are people oriented. They make the perfect companion for the kids. Even they are
Call of 'Doody' - Your Dog's Bizarre Eating Habits Exposed
Does your dog have a disgusting eating habit? Dogs are scavengers will eat most everything they come across.
About Blue Heelers
The Australian Cattle Dog, or Queensland Heeler, comes in two primary colors--red and blue. Blue dogs of this breed are known as blue heelers. They are medium-sized herding dogs first bred in Australia to work with cattle. Blue heelers can be more difficult as pets than other breeds since they have
Video: How to Use Puppy Pads on a Partially Housebroken Dog
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Caryl Wolff. I¡¯m with Doggie Manners, a Los Angeles-based dog training company. I¡¯m a dog trainer and behavior consultant, and what we¡¯re going to talk about in this video is using puppy pads on a partially trained puppy. There really is no such thing...
Why Do Dogs Stare?
Our pet canines perplexing behavior is always rooted in the traits of their wild ancestors. To understand the behavior of the modern dog one needs to know the inherent traits of the wolves that for hundreds of years have survived in the wild.
How to Recognize and Treat Nephrotic Syndrome in Dogs
When a dog suffers from nephrotic syndrome he has abnormal protein levels in the blood and urine. A canine owner may notice strained breathing and weight loss. This condition can be a serious health issue for your dog and requires immediate medical attention. Here are some helpful hints for dealing
Itching & Skin Disorders in Chihuahuas
Chihuahuas are generally hardy dogs despite their small size, but they are prone to a number of different skin disorders that cause itching and irritation, as well as many other symptoms.
Chewing and Boredom - Games for Your Dog
Why does your dog chew?Does it get enough exercise and food, is it bored or lonely?Here are some ideas to help with the chewing and to exercise your dogs brain and yours.
Canine Arthritis - What Every Dog Owner Should Know
Our dogs, just like us humans, can also be afflicted with arthritis.That is because the joints of dogs are also subjected to wear and tear with the passing of time.Large breeds of dogs in particular are more susceptible to canine arthritis because their weight-carrying joints deal with more body mas
Training A Golden Retriever - 6 Tips To Stop Your Retriever From Pulling On The Leash
Training A Golden Retriever - Golden retrievers are big dogs and walking them may become a challenge. Learn how you can avoid being pulled by your dogs when walking them and read about ways you can successfully have controlled walks.
Puppy Teething Information
Just as with human babies, a dog's teething stage can be painful for him and distressing for you. Here are some of the symptoms to look for and ways to help your furry friend make the most painless transition possible, and they may even save your favorite shoes in the process.
Dog Obedience Classes (What to Expect)
Taking dog obedience classes can be the best thing you can do for your pet. When training your dog, it doesn't fix every behavior problem, but it will definitely help basic dog problems. When you train your dog, it helps in being able to make direct communication between you and your pet. This
Is Your Dog Anxious and Aversive in Cars?
Anxiety and Sickness in cars is actually quite common, despite popular belief these behaviours are generally not caused through motion sickness or balance problems. It is my belief that this debilitating problem is caused through anxiety and fear. I believe that carsickness and anxiety cases are ini
How To Stop A Puppy From Biting
Whilst having a puppy is such a rewarding experience, without proper training your puppy may never grow out of the habit of biting. Time and time again people come to me to ask how to get a puppy to stop biting.
Is Your Dog Terrified Of Fireworks?
Noise fears or phobias in dogs are among the most common of the behavioral problems, but are frequently ineffectively managed. They are most easily treated with early identification and intervention where possible.
What Is Estradiol for Dogs?
Estradiol is a prescription estrogen product that is used to start the heat cycle in horses and has been used to prevent pregnancy in dogs and cats. This prescription is designed for safe uses in horses and has serious potential side effects when used in smaller animals such as dogs. Estradiol comes
A Dog Crate Pad Gives Your Pet Comfort
Having a dog in the house is both enjoyable and chaotic. These adorable pets are very playful and sweet which can put a smile in our faces. Yet, they can sometimes be too rough and can even bring the house down. This article describes a great solution to that.
How to Recognize and Treat Pleural Effusion in Dogs
A dog that suffers from pleural effusion is experiencing an abnormal amount of fluid accumulation near the lungs. This condition is typically caused by an underlying factor such as cancer or liver disease. Because this condition can seriously affect your canine’s health it’s important