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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places
Hunting Lodges in Selma, Alabama
Selma is a city in Dallas County, Alabama, that is also known as the Queen City of the Black Belt. Ideally situated on the banks of the Alabama River, the city's environs offer a wide array of outdoor recreation, including hunting. Numerous hunting lodges cater to bow and gun hunters seeking the bi
Bagging Bass At Night
Nighttime fishing is?" harder than fishing when the sun is bright. On the other hand, it's common throughout the reservoirs of the south and southeast when the summer time months are too uncomfortable to go ...
How to Use a Fish Finder When Ice Fishing
A fish finder can give you an edge when ice fishing. Not only will you be able to know how deep the lake is beneath the ice, you can see echoes of fish, so you'll know if you've cut your hole in the ice in the right location to catch fish. A fish finder uses an echo sounding system to locate the lak
How to Catch Big Grass Carp
Grass carp are considered a pest by many North American anglers. However, these fish can weigh as much as 100 pounds and offer a good fight on medium tackle, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation. In fact, some European countries prize the grass carp as a sports fish for its tenacity
Alaska Halibut Fishing Trips
Enjoy a halibut fishing trip in Alaska.tre halibut image by paologo from Fotolia.comA popular recreational activity in Alaska, summer fishing trips involve charters that fish the waters of the Pacific Ocean for halibut. These one-day trips provide fishing gear, bait and helpful crews to...
How to Rig Fishing Line Using Frozen Anchovies
Anchovies are commonly on the dinner menu for many game fish. Striped bass, rock fish and sharks are only a few of the fish species that enjoy a meal of anchovies.Since anchovies are effective and typically available, many anglers choose them as bait when fishing. Rigging anchovies can be a trying e
Catfish Fishing Tips in South Louisiana
There are some giant catfish just waiting to be caught in southern LouisianaCatfish image by Pavol Kmeto from Fotolia.comCatfish are a popular game fish throughout the south. Not only can these freshwater sports fish reach very large sizes, but they eat anything and can live in even the...
How to Glue Rocks to the Bottom of a Fish Tank
Gluing rocks to the bottom of your fish tank is perfectly safe as long as you take several factors in consideration. The first is the safety of the fish. Any glue that you use must be specifically approved for aquarium use or your fish may die. The second is the strength of the glue. Glass and rocks
How to Identify a Tiger Shark Tooth for Sale
Identifying a shark tooth isn't difficult. They all have a similar, three-sided shape. Identifying exactly what kind of shark a shark tooth came from is not always so easy, and one being sold as a "tiger shark tooth" may or may not really be from a tiger shark. To check that you are really getting w
Different Ways to Fillet Trout
A favorite freshwater game fish among fishermen is trout. It is a flavorful food, and is low in calories and fat, with high levels of vitamin A and B, calcium and omega-3. Learn to fillet a trout, to avoid eating bones, for a delicious trout dinner. Whether or not you caught the trout yourself, anyo
Making Wooden Fishing Lures
Do-It-Yourself TackleYou can make wooden fishing lures from whatever wood you have available. This leaves room in your tackle box for liquid baits, bobbers, sinkers, pliers, fish scalers and knives. Space is at a premium when backpacking, canoeing or kayaking. The fewer items the outdoor...
What Is the Difference in Lines for Fishing?
The beginning angler must choose the fishing line best suited to his fishing style and to the species of fish he wants to catch. Each type of fishing line has benefits and drawbacks that the angler must consider when making this decision.
About House Boats
A flat bottom and speeds of about 20 knots or less differentiate houseboats from other forms of watercraft. Houseboats vary in size from small 20-foot cruisers to mammoth 100-foot floating homes, and can have double decks or no cabin space.
Fishing Charter Miami - How to Select
When selecting a fishing charter Miami, it is crucial to do enough research and make sure that one is prepared before going. A fishing charter that has quality can give one a great fishing experience. ...
Description of Trout
The trout is a variety of fish, comprising of a number of different species, which is part of the salmon family. Trout are freshwater fish, and like to live in cold, flowing waters. Trout are recognizable by their adipose fin, which is located between the dorsal and tail-fins, and for their lack of
How to Catch a Rockfish
Rockfish, from bocaccio to lingcod to red snapper, come in many varieties, shapes and sizes. They tend to school up in deep water and are often a good target for anglers in cooler months. Rockfish aren't picky and can be somewhat easy to catch. The trick is finding these bottom dwellers, rigging up
Homemade Fish Scaler
Many of the most tasty fish anglers catch, keep and take home to prepare for dinner are covered with scales. Unless the fish is to be served as a skinless fillet, the scales will need to be removed during the fish cleaning process. There are commercially made tools to do this, but none work any bett
How to Bait a Catfish Hole
Baiting or chumming a catfish hole is the well-known practice among catfish fishermen. It entails using loose bait to attract catfish to the area where you plan to fish. You can choose from a variety of inexpensive baits to attract not only bigger fish and but greater quantities, too.
The Best Bait for a Homemade Wasp Catcher
Wasp catchers are efficient tools used to eliminate the pesky insects from your backyard or patio. There are several varieties of bait that work well for a wasp trap. However, the combination of something sweet, with a killing agent, is the best medicine. Although there are several different manufac
How Fast Does a Whale Swim?
The whale family includes the largest creature ever on the planet Earth-- the blue whale. This whale can reach lengths of 100 feet long and weigh in at more than 120 tons. It would be hard to imagine something so huge being able to also be fast, but they are when they need to be. There are other wha