How To Fix Scratches on Plastic Coated Glasses
- 1). Apply a small amount of nonabrasive toothpaste to the scratch with a soft cloth. Rub in a circular motion for 10 seconds, then rinse. Repeat a second time if the scratch is not buffed away.
- 2). Mix baking soda with water to create a paste. Apply it to the scratch, rubbing in a circular motion for 10 seconds. Rinse and repeat if the scratch is not buffed away.
- 3). Apply furniture or car wax to the scratch with a soft cloth. Rub the wax into the scratch for several minutes or until the scratch is filled. Buff away any excess wax.
- 4). Spray the solution from a DVD/CD repair kit onto the glasses and let it sit for a few seconds. Gently buff away the scratch with a soft cloth.
- 5). Apply a thick coating of Armor Etch, a glass-etching compound, to both sides of the scratched lens. Do not rub it in. Let it sit for five minutes, then rinse and pat dry. Hydrofluoric acid, the compound's active ingredient, will remove the outer coating on plastic lenses, along with any surface scratches.