Kenmore Washer Smells
- As more and more people become eco-conscious, some have completely stopped using hot water and bleach when washing clothes. However, these two substances, whether used separately or together, help keep your washing machine's tub, tubes and drains clean. Bleach kills mold, mildew and bacteria, and hot water kills bacteria, helps break down grease and buildup and flushes it out of your washer. Every so often, wash a load of whites in hot water and bleach. Or run an empty washer with hot water and bleach. Do this once per month, especially if you do not wash your laundry with hot water and bleach.
- Run an empty washer with hot water plus 1/2 cup of baking soda and 2 or 3 cups of distilled white vinegar. Let the washer sit and soak for an hour or two if possible. Vinegar and baking soda can go a long way toward freshening your washer and dryer. Not only do both have odor neutralizing properties, but vinegar also loosens hard water buildup and and soap scum. Do this once per month to prevent more buildup.
- Recognizing a need, several savvy entrepreneurs and major detergent companies have developed washing machine cleaners specifically designed to treat odor. TechnoFresh, Smelly Washer Washer Cleaner, Affresh and Tide Washer Cleaner are just a few of the brands available. Most are added into the wash tub during a hot water cycle, and work by breaking down buildup, killing bacteria and neutralizing odors. Follow the specific directions for the brand you purchase.
- While it seems that washing a load of clothes would in effect wash your machine at the same time, that is not necessarily the case. When you wash a load of clothes, you are putting soap, fabric softener, lint, hair, and dirt and debris into your washer. Over time these substances become trapped in your washer and cause smells. Even plain water that is not completely drained from your washer can grow bacteria or mold and begin to smell. After every few loads, clean your washer's lint tray, soap dispenser and fabric softener dispenser. On front loaders, wipe around the outside of the door gasket and its inside crevices with a cotton cloth. Not only does this dry the gasket, but it also removes lint or debris that have become caught in the crevices. For top loaders, wipe around the tub's rim, above it and behind it to remove any grime that has become lodged there. Leave your washer door closed when it is not in use.
Bleach and Hot Water
Vinegar and Baking Soda
Commercial Washer Cleaners
Regularly Clean Filters, Drums and Gaskets