How to Get a Pickle Juice Smell and Stains From a Carpet
- 1). Press paper towels into the carpet to blot up pickle juice from a recent spill.
- 2). Mix powdered oxygen bleach and warm water. Use the manufacturer's instructions as a guide for the correct ratio.
- 3). Scrub the area with a sponge or cloth dipped into the oxygen bleach solution.
- 4). Let the solution sit on the area for 15 to 20 minutes.
- 5). Scrub the area again with a sponge and oxygen bleach solution to remove any remaining stain.
- 6). Blot the area dry with paper towels. Absorb as much moisture as possible.
- 7). Place a fan near the damp area to dry it quickly.
- 8). Cover the area with a thin layer of baking soda, once it is dry.
- 9). Leave the baking soda on the spot overnight to absorb lingering odors.
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Vacuum up the baking soda in the morning. Use a medium-bristled brush to fluff the nap in the carpet.