How to Raise & Level a Mobile Home
- 1). Use the water level to establish exactly how out-of-plumb your mobile home is underneath where the block stacks meet the steel beams. Note how high or low each stack is compared with the one closest to the center, which is your reference point.
- 2). Loosen tie-down straps to make room for adjustments.
- 3). Set up your jack on a base of plywood or hardwood scrap at a stack near the center stack, lower than the reference point. Jack the steel beam to the level of the reference point. Hammer the shims in closer to support the new level. Keep them even and centered. For a large adjustment, add a patio block under the shims. Replace broken shims and blocks.
- 4). Repeat the process, working your way out to one end of the mobile home. Leveling one area can throw another out of alignment. Go back to the center and work your way out to the other end. Recheck all the levels, area by area.
- 5). Secure the tie-down straps when the entire moble home is level.